November 16 2022

Diskuz -9m
##LI Yang's Discussion Project

#### Based on the discuz theme template redesigned by the 9-second community, the homepage, message display page, etc. were designed to be richer than the original.

####First put the theme in the discuz theme file, import xml into the BIY module and open this theme in the background.

####The forum has been changed to a narrow version, and the navigation bar has been configured

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I promised to write this instruction here, well, I'm doing it. Because there is no such topic on the Internet at all - as someone already said, there are problems with manuals on Chinese engines. I will not delve into the wilds, and tell you my opinion about what this may be related to... And I will not even explain why it is absolutely impossible to touch the default single template (and believe me, I have something to tell you), but I will make this very template on my website, screen it and write immediately.

Additional requirements:​
Straight arms
Duration of updates:​
Always relevant
And so, those who use Chinese engines in Russia or Ukraine face the problem of the lack of extension templates or plugins. Let's consider only the option with a discus, then we'll go after the fact)

November 16 2022

There are two types of resources available to HTTPD, static resources and dynamic resources; static resources have our common pictures, JSP, music, audio, etc., and dynamic resources refer to some types of resources that need to be implemented by compiling execution code. They need a MySQL or MariaDB database to assist with the implementation. After running in the background, the results of the operation are returned to the user; after the client sends resources to the server, the server core is accepted and the resource is forwarded to HTTPD for processing. The role of the CGI common gateway interface protocol will direct resources for MySQL processing, and then compile the PHP subprocess according to HTTPD, and then return the result to the client; PHP is the programming language of the common server script;

Deployment of Discuz

November 16 2022

installing discuz

Discuz installation configuration (based on centos7)
View the system version

November 16 2022

Discuz! It is a community-based professional website creation platform launched by Comsenz, a subsidiary of Tencent, to help websites implement universal services. Let the Forum (BBS), Personal Space (SNS), Portal (Portal), Group (Group) and Open Application Platform (Open Platform) be fully integrated to help the website implement a single service.
Note. This document is used to help you install the full version of Discuz! X2.5.

November 16 2022

discuz code

the diskuz method

Registration method


November 16 2022

Discuz is an open source software, we use this software to manage the forum, we will briefly present the organizational structure of the discuz code for those who need it for reference. , ,

1.discuz directory structure

Directory structure:

November 16 2022

Discuz showcalendar

November 16 2022

discuz —— , , ( )

The need for:
? ? ? discuz ? ?? Ucenter??? api?????

discuz, Thinkphp32。 Ucenter , 。

discuz :
discuz ( ) :( )

November 16 2022

Discuz! Introduction
Crossday Discuz! Board (Discuz!) is a universal software system of the public forum. Since June 2001, it has been one of the highest growth and lighting in the world.

Official website:

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define ('apptypeid', 5); // Should, you know
define ('curscript', 'userApp'); // Should, you know
retful_once'./source/class/class_core.php ';/it must be, you know
 $ discuz = & discuz_core :: execution (); // Should, you know
 $ Discuz-> cachelist = $ cachelist; // need, you know
 $ discuz-> init (); // Should, you know

About the custom html call of the static module discuz x1.5

In DIY, select module-> display class-> static module

This is the same in the data source, custom HTML. Usually used to integrate third-party data, this will be used

Currently, only the data call of the discuz x1.5 module itself is known.

Discuz! X2.5 Add a custom data call module (simple method)
Function Discuz! The X Series Dista is still pretty good. In the process of secondary development, you can add a new data call module to develop the functional module that you are developing, you can display the data that you want to display in each place of each page.

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