November 16 2022

installing discuz

Discuz! It is a community-based professional website creation platform launched by Comsenz, a subsidiary of Tencent, to help websites implement universal services. Let the Forum (BBS), Personal Space (SNS), Portal (Portal), Group (Group) and Open Application Platform (Open Platform) be fully integrated to help the website implement a single service.
Note. This document is used to help you install the full version of Discuz! X2.5.

1. Download the official version of Discuz! X2.5 to a local computer or server
Download link: Click here to start downloading

2. Unzip and download the Discuz program! X2.5 to the server and change the appropriate access rights to the directory.
1. Download the Discuz program! X2.5 to the server.
Unzip and get three files, as shown in the picture below:

upload All files in this directory are available program files that we need to upload to the server;
The readme catalog contains a description of the product, authorization, installation, upgrade, conversion, and a description of the version update log;
The utility catalog is the tools attached to the forum, including the update program.
Use FTP software to binary mode all files in the download directory (the standard method of binary configuration of FTP software:Click to view detailed instructions) Upload to space. As shown below:


2, Establish the attribute of the catalog, the program could properly read and write the file days
View the programmnoe opespecenie FTP for entry to your server and establish the following attributes of the catalogs on the server and all the files in this catalog mean 777. If the host's Win establish the attributes of the host-records of the guest's učetnoj records in the Internet.
./config / config_global.php 
./config / config_ucenter.php 
./ data 
./data / avatar 
./data / plugins 
./data / template 
./data / threadcache 
.data / attachment 
./data/attachment / album 
./ data / attachment / forum 
.data / attachment / group 
./ data / log 
./ uc_client / data / cache 
./ uc_server / data / cache 
./ uc_server / data / avatar 
./ uc_server / data / backup 
./ uc_server / data / logs 
./ uc_server / data / tmp 
./ uc_server / data / view

If you want to change the catalogue, please contact us.

V-tretih, process of establishment
Then start the discus! X2. 5 v browsers and leave ego in browsers. http: / / a clean establishment (gdehttp://www.domain. com/bbsadres available to your site)

Click "I agree" after reading the license agreement, the system will automatically check the permissions for the environment and the file directory, as shown in the following figure:

If the discovery was successful, click Next to log into the discovery server environment and configure the uCenter interface, as shown in the following figure:


1.Select "Fresh Install Discuz! X (including uCenter Server)"
If you have not installed our product before and you need a new installation, select this option.

2. Select "Install Discuz only! X (manually specify the installed uCenter server)"
If you have installed our product before, and now it is just an update, select this option and make sure that the previous version of uCenter is uCenter version 1.6.0. If the previously installed uCenter server has not been updated, it is usually version 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. First you need to update Ucenter to version 1.6.0. Otherwise, the installer will issue an error message and will not be able to continue.Here is an example of a new Discuz installation! X.
Click "Next" to enter the interface to install the database, as shown in the figure below:


Fill in the Discuz database information! X and administrator information.
Additional dаta: Test data that you don't need to install, mainly for demo topics and full regional data.
At the same time, you can choose whether to enable the "portal, homepage and group functions" of the site by default. If you have not selected enable, you can also enable the corresponding functional modules in the background after installation.
Click "Next", the system will automatically install the database until it is completed, as shown in the following figure:

After successful installation, an invitation will appear to open the Discuz cloud platform interface!:

If you want to open the cloud platform immediately, you can click "Open in the background" and the founder will enter the background mode of the site, as shown below:


If you don't want to activate the Discuz platform yet! Cloud, you can select "Temporarily not activate" and enter the background mode to activate when you need to activate.
After installation, go to the home page of Discuz! X to view the website:


At the moment Discuz! X2.5 installed successfully! You can log in to the Discuz website! X and start the setup.


Visitors who are in the group Guests they can't download files.
Log in to the site under your login and password or if you are a new user go through the process registrations on the website.


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Information the publication:

  • Author of the publication: zews
  • Date of publication: 16 November 2022 13:20
  • Publication category(s): Discuz! script»,Releases Discuz!
  • Number of views of the publication: 3 187
  • Number of comments to the publication: 0

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