March 15 2024

SEO what is it

SEO what is it

SEO what is it

SEO what is it
How can a business get customers from the Internet? Contextual advertising, targeting on social networks, partnership with bloggers and other methods. They work well when you have a budget and very little time to attract your first customers. But, there is also a drawback. These methods will work and bring customers as long as you pay for the operation of this tool. When you run out of money in your account, advertising will stop.

In the opposite situation, when you have a lot of time, but on the contrary there is no budget, it makes sense to turn to budget methods. SEO can be mentioned as the first of them. And the word budgetary does not hide the lack of efficiency. 

What is seo in simple words 
SEO (Search Engine Optimization, search engine optimization) is the comprehensive development and promotion of a website in order to get to the top in the search results (SERPs).

There is another definition: SEO is a channel for attracting traffic to the site and a tool for influencing search robots to achieve the highest position in search results.

Why should it be so important for you to get to the top of the search results? The fact is that the statistics of search engines for commercial queries (queries in which the context indicates a desire to buy something) about 95% of traffic settles on the first page of the search results, and 60-80% in the first three lines.

And this piece of cake is delicious and desirable for any entrepreneur, which is why it is so important to take the time to get into the top of the search results.

What is included in seo
Today, SEO is no longer about entering keywords into the text and purchasing external links, as it was ten years ago, but much more subtle and painstaking work.

The SEO promotion system currently includes the following main points:

Constant work on tracking updates of ranking algorithms in search engines and adjusting to them.

Monitoring of search queries. It is important to keep track of the relevance of your search queries in time and adjust the work based on the data received.

Collection and updating of the semantic core.

Work on optimizing and improving the site code, download speed, content quality and ease of navigation through the resource. All this is united by the concept of “internal optimization”.

The citation of the site. They are still purchasing links on resources, raising the interest of search engines in your site. These are works on “external optimization”.

Determining user behavior on your site and promptly responding to any negative factors.

Analysis and correction of the obtained results.

In fairness, it is worth noting that SEO specialists are not aware of the exact formulas that the system uses to determine the site's place in the search results. But they know the most important factors. The user-friendliness of the interface, user actions on the site, site loading speed and optimization for mobile devices (we highlight this criterion due to the steady prevalence of mobile traffic over desktop traffic) determines the final place in the search results. 

By optimizing these parameters, the webmaster can achieve a high position in the search results. There are about 800 parameters taken into account in total.

The evolution of SEO
It is possible to trace very clearly how this technique developed and how SEO turned from a clumsy tool into a point-based and high-tech one. The following significant stages are highlighted:

The beginning was before 1998. This is a promotion for spam keys. From the height of the years passed, this technique can be called “dirty”, because the search results were something like “Buying jeans Peter” or “Chicken buy Voronezh". Today it is impossible to meet such a thing even in the vegetable market, and before that it was the norm for the Russian Internet.

 From 1998 to 2009 - The PageRank era. This is an algorithm that Google has implemented. He counted a place in the search results based on the number of links to it on the world Wide Web. The method is also not clean enough. The winner was the one who had more money to buy links.

Since 2009, SEO has required careful attention. Ranking factors are introduced, and the fight against links begins. According to the new algorithms, it's not enough to buy links and get leads, now you need to devote time to the structure and content of the site. 

In 2016, the largest search engines rolled out a series of search ranking algorithms and webmasters finally realized that the best solution is to constantly identify relevant keys, improve the convenience of the site, content, design and optimize the code 

The main conclusion that can be drawn based on such rapid variability is that it is necessary to follow the latest seo news. The effectiveness of your promotion depends on it.

How SEO Works
We have already mentioned that the SEO of a site consists of two parts - “internal” and “external” optimization. You cannot devote time to just one thing - such promotion will not be effective.

Internal optimization
A set of actions aimed at internal optimization includes improving the site, which means it helps to move up in the search results. It includes the following works:

Collection of semantics and compilation of the core (selection of keywords to promote your site. Read more about this in the CEO chips section.

Elimination of technical code errors, broken pages, optimization of site loading speed.

Optimization of images on the site, which helps to reduce page loading time.

Improving usability (usability of the site). Most webmasters undeservedly avoid this issue. Now it's not enough to set up a landing page on your knee, you need to take time for user convenience and website design. Research has shown that people are several times more likely to click on rounded buttons on a website than on angular ones. This fact has a positive effect on conversions.

Improving the internal structure of the resource (drawing up a site map).

Linking pages with each other by cross-references (linking).

Elaboration of title, description, h1-h6 headings.

  Let's give you a little advice. You can use the Photoshop image editor to optimize images for website publications. To do this, when saving images, select the “Save for web" option. This is how you solve two problems: 

The image is compressed in volume and does not weigh so much anymore

The color scheme of the image is changed to the one that the computer monitor can adequately display (i.e., the most similar shades to yours are selected).

External optimization
If ten years ago external optimization was only an increase in the reference mass, today this work is much more subtle and painstaking. The ultimate goal has remained unchanged - a set of reference masses, but the methods have changed. And now methods are being used that do not contradict the rules of search engines. These include:

Publishing content that is interesting to users, which they will share and build up a lot of links to you on the Internet.

Registration in various catalogs. You should choose non-spam themed sites.

Placement in web 2.0 media. This term refers to a resource where users can publish their own content and most of it is created by them (Wikipedia, and others).

Activity on forums and blogs.

Along the way, you can analyze the work to promote your competitors. We recommend doing this at least once a month.

Search engine SEO and its types
Optimization methods are of the following types - white, gray and black. This division is conditional, since the abuse of any of the white optimization methods can be equated to black methods, which are punished by search networks. 

Since any such manipulations are prohibited, “white” SEO specialists and marketers try to listen to the recommendations of search engines to create “correct and good sites". So they don't break the rules.

White optimization
It provides work on the convenience of the site, its design, and filling with high-quality content. This also includes the promotion of the site by mentioning it in any reviews or press releases. 

Another significant factor in white optimization is the availability of an adaptive mobile version of the site. This is due to the active growth in the percentage of searches using mobile devices.

These actions do not affect the search algorithms and are not detected by the layman. An ordinary user sees only a user-friendly website, high-quality content. He does not experience rejection when visiting the site.

Gray optimization
This is the addition in a certain way to the pages of the site of exactly those keywords that your customers can search for. It doesn't look so natural, so the task of an SEO copywriter is to write the most concise text that will be interesting to a living reader. There are strict requirements for the percentage of keywords to the total volume of the text.

They apply the keys to the title, meta description, h1, alt and others. Although this method is undesirable for search engines, punishments for these methods are so rare that you should not be afraid of them. In case you don't abuse it.

What recommendations can be given to those who want or already use this method?

Correctly identify your keywords and queries.  Make sure that they fit into the framework of low and medium frequency (up to 10,000 per month).

Control the process of writing texts by a copywriter and keep track of the percentage of keywords, the percentage of originality and academic nausea (we'll talk about these and other terms later).

Do not let your specialist turn the text into “butter.” Such texts are immediately calculated by search robots. The inscribed phrase “ask a question, for the sake of a question” sounds very clumsy and will immediately signal to the search engine that something is not clean here.

Black Promotion
Completely illegal seo of the site and not only, which is severely punished by search engines. These include: creating a network of doorways (a site optimized for one specific query in order to get to the top of the search results), a technique called cloaking - when a search robot is shown one site, and a live user is shown a completely different one with true content.

Hacking a popular website in order to place many links to a promoted resource on it is particularly dangerous and destructive. Another black method is the creation of satellite sites. This is a large number of small sites that host links to the promoted resource.

From theory to practice
It's time to talk about the practical part. In this section, we will touch on issues such as: who to order seo from, how to control the work, what tricks and tricks search engine seo stores.

How to choose a performer
This issue is often covered in our articles and will be covered until our entrepreneurs have formed the right ideas about the digital services market. Such work requires a good specialist or team.

There are two ways to go. The first is to hire a specialist on staff. This is how managers - managers who do not see the whole picture of the company's work and reason only from the position of “It's good if we have a CEO on staff and he will work only on our project.”

Let's figure it out:

In Moscow, a full-time CEO specialist has an average salary of 100,000 rubles. In other smaller cities. But then you have no guarantees that your specialist will not leave for Moscow or switch to remote work. This is a position that allows you to work from anywhere. 

Contributions to the pension fund, insurance fund and more. They will add another 30% of the expense to you.

Equipment, workplace, meals, gym - all these costs are difficult to calculate.

Spending on sick leave and vacations.

From all of the above, it follows that hiring a specialist in the staff makes sense only if you are a large company and can easily pull such expenses.

For everyone else, we recommend paying attention to the following options.

Freelancers are perfect for you if your task is easy and simple to perform. Collecting queries that are suitable in frequency, writing texts using keywords - all this can be delegated to your freelancer on a one-time basis or systematically.

An option for those who need professional and comprehensive assistance is a marketing agency. Most marketing agencies provide a range of SEO promotion services and their work is much cheaper than hiring a full-time specialist. In Moscow, high-quality seo costs from 45-50 thousand rubles per month of work. This is a small entry point compared to traditional marketing tools.

We recommend that you use the last two options. The first is if the tasks are small and the second is if a range of services is required.

Monitoring of activities
Once you have decided on the scope of the work and selected a contractor, it is important to make it clear that you intend to monitor the progress of the work. Ask to provide weekly or monthly reports on the work on your site's SEO and take the time to analyze them.

If you have optimization of a dozen titles, twenty pictures with prescribed altos and a couple of articles in your report, congratulations! You are being deceived! Take urgent action and read our recommendations for monitoring the work of SEO specialists.

Changing the positions of your site's pages based on queries from your semantic core. Getting to the top may not happen immediately, but the growth of positions should be noticeable.

The growing role of traffic from organic issuance.

Control the set of reference weight. It is better to have access to the account on the exchange where the links were purchased. Log in to your account and check that the purchased links are present and permanent

Keep track of the site's visibility in search engines – the total number of queries for which it is displayed in the results (use Serpstat or Rush Analytics).

You can request reports on these parameters from the freelancer who was assigned to run the campaign. An adequate and responsible person will provide everything and you will have no questions. The provision of control data by the agency is included in your contract, which you will sign. And the agency's specialists will tell you in simple words what the result means and what can be improved.

We promised to explain some terms. These basics will be useful to you when monitoring the activities of your contractors. We recommended keeping an eye on the percentage of keywords, the percentage of originality and academic nausea. All these parameters relate to working with texts (as the most popular SEO service).  Now we will tell you in more detail what these indicators are:

The percentage of keywords. It is important that the most frequently used words do not exceed the set value (maximum 4-5%). The parameter is determined by the formula: H = (Number of repeated words / total number of words in the text) * 100%.

The percentage of originality. Shows how unique the text you are getting. The optimal value of originality is from 90% and above. This is an indicator of the quality of the copywriter's work.

Academic nausea. Text nausea is the saturation of the text with keywords. By the nausea of the text, you can judge the naturalness of the text and its optimization for search queries. The optimal level is no higher than 9%. You can check these parameters on the website

Be sure to check the text for grammatical, spelling and semantic errors. If you trust a specialist, then this is commendable, but a precaution is not superfluous. You can do this using the tools on the site .

Tricks and tricks
It's time to tell you about the tricks of SEO and getting to the top. These techniques are not known to everyone and are not used by everyone, so you have the opportunity to use them in conditions of little competition:

Islands of content. If you are unable to promote your site in Yandex or Google, do not despair! Website promotion is not the only way to get into the top of the search results. Try to promote your VK group or YouTube channel. They are indexed in the same way as site pages and often get to the top, as search engines try to give out at least one or two links to social networks for key queries.

Just give people useful information, materials and high-quality goods or services. And you will ensure not only high positions in the search results, but also satisfied customers.

Domain extension for 3 years. Such an action significantly increases the trust of search engines in your site.

Mark your organization on the map. What for? Search engines actively promote their map services - it's stupid not to use it. Attention! The display of your card is influenced by user ratings. You can and should ask them to give a positive assessment. Offer them a bonus for this.

The occurrence of the target request in the URL. Ideally, the site address should be your main target query.

Privacy policy. The presence of such a section on the site indicates that you care about the rights of your visitors.

There are quite a lot of such tricks. Some things can have a decisive impact, and some things can be ineffective. Stay tuned for updates in the recommendations for promotion from search engines and order consultations from your specialists.


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    1. Serdar (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

      27 March 2024 04:52 28 commente

      I read your article And I really liked it Thank you

Information the publication:

  • Author of the publication: CrazyCat
  • Date of publication: 15 March 2024 11:13
  • Publication category(s): Search engine optimization»,Bases SEO
  • Number of views of the publication: 88
  • Number of comments to the publication: 1

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