December 14 2022

As promised, we started working on the site in the same mode.
Keep a fresh Retail and Nulled version 10.5 from hell biggrin
Clean versions, without any shit, links, shelov.

The following changes were prepared and implemented:

DataLife Engine 10.5 Retail & PW/ NULLED

1. A new system of tree-like comments to the news has been added. This commenting system allows visitors to respond to specific individual comments, and display comments to the news in the form of a tree. This commenting system is enabled in the admin panel in the comments settings. At the same time, you can also specify the maximum level of nested comments. When enabling this system on the site, we recommend that you also pay attention to such a setting parameter as the number of comments per page. In the case of using tree comments, this will be the number of parent comments per page, and the actual number of comments, taking into account nested responses, may be more.

2. For the comments output template (comments.tpl), a new tag [reply] text [/reply] has been added, which outputs the text in them, as a link to open a pop-up window to respond to a comment, if support for tree comments is enabled, and if it is disabled, inserts the username of the selected commentator into a form for adding comments.

3. For the comments output template (comments.tpl), new tags [treecomments] text [/treecomments] have been added, which output the text enclosed in them, if tree comments are enabled in the script settings. And also added tags [not-treecomments] text [/not-treecomments], which output the text enclosed in them, if tree comments are disabled. These tags will allow webmasters to create more flexible templates that will be displayed differently depending on the script settings in this issue.

4. A new {replycount} tag has been added for the comments output template (comments.tpl), which displays the number of available responses to this comment.

DataLife Engine 10.5 Retail & PW/ NULLED

5. In the script settings in the admin panel, the ability to disable the editor for comments and personal messages has been added. If the editor is disabled, users will not be able to use any design when adding comments, but will be able to write only text. At the same time, the processing of all BB tags is also disabled and their manual writing will not have any effect, with the exception of one quote tag "quote", which is necessary for the functioning of quoting and responses to comments and personal messages. This feature will be useful for those webmasters who want to minimize the possibilities for formatting the texts of comments and personal messages.

DataLife Engine 10.5 Retail & PW/ NULLED

DataLife Engine 10.5 Retail & PW/ NULLED

6. In the script settings in the admin panel, the ability to enable the quick response mode to a comment has been added. In this mode, the response to the comment is not entered in a separate pop-up window, but a simplified form of the response to the comment is displayed, just below the comment itself. The minimum set of necessary data is also requested, and the editor is disabled to respond to the comment. In other words, the main comment can be published fully, using formatting, and the answers to it are already in a simplified form.

7. Reduced the load on the MySQL database when viewing comments on publications on the site.

DataLife Engine 10.5 Retail & PW/ NULLED

8. The design of the standard BBCODES editor in the admin panel has been completely redesigned. It received a modern design corresponding to the design of the admin panel. Vector fonts were used for the buttons, which makes the buttons contrast and easy to read on monitors with high pixel resolution and when zooming in the OS.

9. For the BBCODES editor in the admin panel, support for the following new buttons and BB tags has been added:

text - output the text in the subscript

text - output the text in the superscript

- aligns the text on both sides and left and right

DataLife Engine 10.5 Retail & PW/ NULLED

10. For the BBCODES editor in the admin panel, added support for inserting text headers. Headers are inserted using a special new button in the editor and headers from
<H1> to
<H6> can be used.

11. Added support for a new template file for displaying uploaded and attached to news files. The name of the new template file is attachment.tpl, in which you can set the layout for displaying attached files. Thus, you can flexibly set any visual design of the tag [attachment=...] that you use when inserting news into the text. In this template file, you can use the following tags:

[allow-download] text [/allow-download] - Displays the text contained in them, if the user of the site is allowed to download downloaded files.

[not-allow-download] text [/not-allow-download] - Displays the text contained in them if the user of the site is prohibited from downloading downloaded files.

[count] text [/count] - Output the text contained in them, if the script settings have enabled support for the file download counter from the server.

{id} - Displays the unique ID number of the downloaded file, information about which is stored in the database.

{name} - Outputs the name of the uploaded file, or the text specified for the file name in the tag [attachment=...] in the text of the news.

{link} - Displays the URL for downloading the downloaded file.

{size} - Displays the size of the uploaded file.

{md5} - Outputs the MD5 checksum of the downloaded file.

{date} - Displays the file upload date to the server, in the date format specified in the script settings.

{date=date format} - Displays the date in the format specified in the tag. The date format is set according to the format adopted in PHP. For example, the tag {date=d} will output the day of the month the file was uploaded, and the tag {date=F} will output the name of the month, and the tag {date=d-m-Y H:i} will output the full date and time

{count} - Displays the number of downloads of the file from the server.

12. Added global support in all tag templates for custom news output {custom ....}. Now you can use this tag in all template files without exception, and not only in strictly defined ones.

13. For the custom news output tag {custom ....}, support for using dynamic parameters based on other template tags has been added. For example, if earlier you could use this tag in templates only using the parameters {custom id="1,2"} predefined in the template, now you can use this tag with the parameters {custom id="[xfvalue_x]"}, and set the values of the news ID when adding news in the additional news fields. This opens up almost limitless possibilities for displaying news content on the pages of your site.

DataLife Engine 10.5 Retail & PW/ NULLED

14. Added automatic acceptance of the entered values for the tag cloud, meta tags and additional fields with the option of cross-references, without having to press the Enter button on these fields.

DataLife Engine 10.5 Retail & PW/ NULLED

15. A new automatic system for protecting comments from spam based on the Yandex Clean Web cloud service has been added. You can read more about this service on the page https://tech The peculiarity of this protection is that the text of the comments is analyzed directly for signs of spam, and not only based on the user's IP and e-mail, although these data are also taken into account.

16. Improved SSL support for websites. Added automatic https protocol support when using external services (such as gravatar) and players (youtube and others) of the site, if your site uses https protocol.

DataLife Engine 10.5 Retail & PW/ NULLED

17. Added support and use of HTML5 player, when inserting audio files, if this player is enabled in the player settings.

18. The iframe tag filtering system in news has been redesigned and improved, which allows you to add an iframe only for trusted domains. The check has become universal and checks only the domain name without the protocol and the www alias of this domain. Thus, if the video service makes changes to its player code, it continues to work and is accepted by the DLE script. For example, if earlier the youtube video service published links to its player as // / and now changed to /, then the new system will automatically accept these links as well.

19. For the comments output template (comments.tpl), new tags [comments-author] text [/comments-author] have been added, which output the text enclosed in them if the user viewing the site page is the author of this comment. As well as the tags [not-comments-author] text [/not-comments-author], which display the text enclosed in them if the user viewing the site page is not the author of this comment. These tags allow webmasters to make a comment template in such a way that site visitors can immediately visually see their own comments, for example, by the distinctive color design of its comments.

20. For the comments output template (comments.tpl), new tags [news-author] text [/news-author] have been added, which output the text enclosed in them if the comment belongs to the author of this news, as well as tags [not-news-author] text [/not-news-author], which output the text enclosed in them, if the comment does not belong to the author of this news. Thus, you can visually highlight on the pages of your site, those comments that the author of the publication writes.


Visitors who are in the group Guests they can't download files.
Log in to the site under your login and password or if you are a new user go through the process registrations on the website.


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