December 14 2022

.::1::. A completely new control panel design has been added. We tried to make this design more modern, readable and contrasting. In addition to visual changes, the new design has a number of functional features. The new control panel presents not one, but ten color schemes at once, plus one special night scheme, decorated in dark tones, for comfortable work in the dark. Also added the ability to control the width of the side menu of sections, and the overall width of the control panel. And when working on devices with small screen sizes, the ability to switch to full-screen mode has been added, hiding the browser bar and tabs, to increase the working space of the panel. Each user of the admin panel has the opportunity to independently configure only for himself how the panel will look, its parameters and color scheme. At the same time, a special dual settings storage system is used to save the panel parameters. The settings are saved both on the server and in the browser's local storage. Which provide unique features when using the control panel settings. So server-side saving of settings allows you to avoid the "flicker" effect when applying the design chosen by the user, and when using another browser, also use automatically selected settings. And saving the parameters in the local storage allows you to restore the selected settings when the parameters are completely reset on the server, for example, in the case of reinstalling the script or when it is globally updated, for example, to new versions. We hope you enjoy working with the new control panel. You can watch a small demonstration of the new panel in the video above.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::2::. A brief preview of the last personal messages received on the site has been added to the script control panel. Thus, the user will be able, if necessary, to quickly navigate to the desired message directly from the control panel.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::3::. In the admin panel, when adding publications to the site, immediately after adding a publication, the ability to select the next action is added. The choice is offered: "Add another publication", "Go directly to editing the newly added publication", "Go to the list of publications". Thus, you can quickly switch to the most frequent actions in one click.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::4::. In the admin panel, when editing a publication, immediately after its successful saving, the option has been added: "Go to the list of publications" or "Continue editing this publication". Thus, users who periodically save the publication, in case of editing, can quickly proceed to continue the started editing.

.::5::. In the admin panel in the static pages management section, the status of where the user is is saved before editing or adding a page, and after editing the page, he will return to the same place where he was. This innovation is convenient if there are a large number of pages, and, for example, setting any search parameters, the user will not have to search or go to the desired page again after returning after editing.

.::6::. In the admin panel, when adding a static page, immediately after saving it, the option has been added: "Add another page", "Go directly to editing the newly added page", "Go to the list of previously added pages". Thus, you can quickly switch to the most frequent actions in one click.

.::7::. In the admin panel, when editing a static page, immediately after saving it, the option has been added: "Go to the list of pages" or "Continue editing this page". Thus, users who periodically save the publication, in case of editing, can quickly proceed to continue the started editing.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::8::. In the admin panel, when highlighting publications, comments, static pages, etc., for performing mass actions on them, highlighting of selected elements has been added. This way you can conveniently see which elements you have selected.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::9::. Completely redesigned editing of user profiles in the control panel. Now in the admin panel, editing of all user parameters is available, which were previously only available in editing profiles on the site.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::10::. A new "Meta Tags" module has been added. This module allows you to reassign the meta tags title, description, keywords for certain pages of the site in the admin panel. The DLE script generates these meta tags for all pages of the site automatically, but sometimes it is necessary to set your own separate values for certain pages, for example, to make sure that the feedback page uses not the standard settings of the script, but specific only for this page. Now, using this module, you can do it in the admin panel of your site. In this module, you set the URL of the page for which you want to reassign meta tags, and set new values for these tags. After that, the values you specified will be applied to this page. You can reassign both all fields for this page and individual ones. For example, if you leave the keywords field empty, the default values for this field and for this page will be applied to it. You can specify directly the address of the page for which you want to change the meta tags, and you can also specify a group of links using the '*' symbol, which means searching for any character, for example, specifying /page/*/ the specified meta tags will be used for pages /page/1/, /page/2/, /page/any text/ etc.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::11::. Added the ability to export users from the site. If you use third-party services or programs to organize mailing messages to users, then you can quickly generate the necessary data using export. Users are exported to the admin panel in the user editing section. You can export both all users and those who meet certain criteria. The export is carried out either in CSV or Excel format to choose from.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::12::. Added the ability to transfer publications to other categories when a certain time comes. To do this, when adding or editing a publication, in the "Expiration Date before" setting, you can select the "Move to another category" action, and assign one or more categories to which publications will need to be moved when the specified date occurs.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::13::. Added the ability to exclude certain news from the site search. When adding or editing news in the admin panel, you can set the "Exclude from search" option for each publication separately. In this way, you can exclude from the search news for which you do not want them to participate in the site search.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::14::. Added the ability to assign each news a password or a list of passwords required to view this publication. If a password is set for the publication, then in case of switching to the full news, the user will be asked to enter a password, and the publication will be shown only if the correct password is entered. The entered password will be valid until the user closes the browser, and within one session of working with the site, the password will not be requested again.

.::15::. Added the ability to exclude certain static pages from the site search. When adding or editing a page in the admin panel, you can set the "Exclude from search" option for each static page separately.

.::16::. Added the ability to assign each static page a password or a list of passwords required to view this static page. If a password is set for the page, then if you go to this page, the user will be asked to enter a password, and the page will be shown only if you enter the correct password. The entered password will be valid until the user closes the browser, and within one session of working with the site, the password will not be requested again.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::17::. For additional fields of the "cross-references" type, the output of auto-quotes has been added when adding and editing publications, in the form of a list of words already available in the database. This makes it easier to fill in these fields, and also reduces the likelihood of erroneous filling in the field.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::18::. For the redirects module, the ability to use masks to set a template for which redirects are made has been added. To do this, when specifying the URL from which to redirect, the symbol "*" is used, which means that any set of characters can be found in the URL instead of "*". For example, you can set /page/*/, where redirects will be made from all pages, such as /page/1/, /page/2/, /page/text/, etc.

DataLife Engine 12 NULLED

.::19::. In the admin panel, in the user editing section, the ability to quickly switch to editing a specific user's group has been added.

.::20::. For static page templates (static.tpl and others assigned to the page), support has been added for a new tag [edit] text [/edit], which outputs the text enclosed in them as a link to edit a static page, for groups of users who are allowed to edit static pages. This facilitates a quick transition to editing the desired page, with a large number of static pages.


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Log in to the site under your login and password or if you are a new user go through the process registrations on the website.


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