[Nulled] » Nulled Warez Scripts » Forums scripts » VBulletin » [3.8.x] vBPublications (News, articles, etc.)
November 17 2022

[3.8.x] vBPublications (News, articles, etc.)

The version has been updated to RC1!!!
So, what is it and why.
The hack is intended for those who, like me, don't need all the bells and whistles of vBA (and similar CPMS), but only need to display news on some page.

The principle of the hack
Displays the latest topics of the section specified in the settings on a separate page. Nothing much has changed here.

The differences from similar hacks (scripts) are the following:
1) The output script of publications does not depend on the directory (directory) of the forum. And accordingly, your domain name can be used. (Forum for example - forum.mysite.ru , and publications on - www.mysite.ru )
2) There can be an unlimited number of publication pages. Each of the pages has its own settings, and accordingly can be linked to its own section. Thus, you can publish news, articles, FAQ, etc. separately.
3) The reduction of news is regulated either by the special variable set in the options, or by the number of characters specified in the page parameters, but the reduction of the text does not occur in the middle of the word, but the last word is always left whole.

1) In the attached archive in the upload folder there are two directories: forum and publics.
Accordingly, we copy the contents of the forum folder to the root section of your forum.
But how to place the publics folder is up to you to decide, since there may be options here:
a) Copy it to the root section of the forum, and then the link to the publication will look like MyForum.ru/publics / or MyDomain.ru/forum/publics / or etc. In general, the logic is clear, the publications page will open in the forum subdirectory.
b) In the second option, you copy the publics folder next to the forum folder, and if the initial link to your forum looked like: MyDomain.ru/forum / then you don't need to do anything further, the publications page will now respond to: MyDomain.ru/publics /.
If your forum was configured correctly and was published as an independent domain, then of course you will have to configure your web server and name server (DNS) to display the publics directory as an independent site. Which domain name you choose here is absolutely not important.

After you have decided on the location of the folders. You need to open the publics folder, find the file config.php and specify the file path to the forum folder in it.
At this point, all operations with files are closed.

2) In the NotUpload folder, there is a help file, and product files.
There are only two products, these are:
product-st_publications_(codepoage).xml and
product-st_abslinks_(codepoage).xml Description here

The first is the publication product itself, which will add the necessary phrases, templates and options.
The second product, optional, but recommended. It will expand all internal links of the forum to absolute ones, and this will avoid problems with the display of style, and the correctness of links on the publications page.

3) Setting up options.
After you have imported the product(s). You need to make the necessary edits in the options.
To do this, go to the admin panel, find the "Publications" section in the menu on the left and select "Options".
The only option that requires mandatory intervention is the URL of the publication page, it depends on how you posted (published) the publics catalog itself. Note that the page url is specified completely including the protocol (i.e. http://). All other items are optional, and you can change them according to your mind.

4) Setting up publication pages.
In the same place in the admin panel, in the menu on the left there is a section section "List of publications".
Initially, a test page (news) will be installed along with the product.
By clicking on the edit link, you will see a list of page options, the main thing you need to do here is to specify the section whose topics will be broadcast on this page.

That's basically it, the setup is complete.

If the NavBar template is changed and there are no hooks in it:
1) 'navbar_buttons_left'
2) 'ad_navbar_below'
Then the publications menu will not be displayed in the upper navigation bar, and either you will have to restore these hooks or insert links to the templates yourself in the templates:
'publications_in_navbar' and 'publications_in_navbar_popup'

List of changes between Alfa and RC1 versions

* - Fixed the page titler, now the titles are displayed correctly.
* - Fixed the error of the type of the Page variable being received.
* - Fixed checking the TYPE of numeric variables received.
* - Changed the design and navigation of message output templates (publications_body and publications_body_full).
* - Changed the main template (publications_index).
* - Fixed the option to turn off the publication page.
+ - Added a check to include at least one page of publications, if there are none, then a link to publications will not be inserted in the navigation menu.
+ - Added a template with notification for administrators about the unavailability of users (turning off) publication pages.
+ - Added the function of processing page navigation.
+ - The display of the rating of the message (topic) has been added to the templates.
+ - The templates have been added to display the number of views of the message (topic).

+ - Added an error output function using the general style of the templates of this hack.
(either the corresponding template is output by the error code number, or the error text is simply output, as in the standard vBulletin function)
+ - Added error output, by code 404, when trying to access a page with a non-existent name.
+ - Added error output, by code 403, when trying to access a disabled page.
+ - Added error output, by the code "nopage", displayed when all publication pages are disabled, but the hack is not turned off globally in the options.

* - fixed the function of setting the default page closest to sorting, when deleting a page that is the default one.
+ - Added processing of the installation of the nearest page - the default page, if the current default page is disabled by the administrator.
+ - Extended comments in the file functions.php
+ - A comment has been added to the executable files (*.php), a link to the product support page on the website http://vbsupport.org /.

+ - Added a module for global caching of common product templates.
+ - Added a menu (list of publications) in the page header, with the DHTML menu globally disabled.
* - Fixed modules for displaying links in NavBar, now if there is only one publication, there will be a single link, not a drop-down menu.
* - Fixed the navbar link when the DHTML menu is globally disabled. The link now leads to the default page.
+ - Added the global option "Page break symbol". When specifying this symbol enclosed in curly brackets in the text, the Page will be forcibly torn (shortened) on this symbol. The symbol itself is not displayed, and is only available in page editing mode.


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Information the publication:

  • Author of the publication: postnews
  • Date of publication: 17 November 2022 14:30
  • Publication category(s): VBulletin»,Mods for vBulletin
  • Number of views of the publication: 232
  • Number of comments to the publication: 0

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