The latest version of the best vBulletin forum is 4.0.6. It is a really powerful and fully customizable forum package for your site. vBulletin is the ideal solution for medium and large information sites.
In 4.0.6, more than 100 bugs were fixed.
List of bugs
New templates:
Show/Hide Text
* vbcms_widget_sitecalendar_page
* vbcms_searchresult_staticpage_general
* vbcms_bbcode_quote
* vbcms_widget_tagcloud_config
* vbcms_widget_sitecalendar_config
* vbcms_widget_tagcloud_page
* reportitem.css
Deleted Templates:
Show/Hide Text
* vbcms_content_statichtml_config
* vbcms_content_statichtml_inline
* vbcms_content_statichtml_page
* vbcms_content_statichtml_preview
* vbcms_searchresult_statichtml
* vbcms_toolbar_original
* vbcms_widget_categorynav_page1
* vbcms_widget_categorynav_page2
* vbcms_widget_sectionnav_config
* vbcms_widget_sectionnav_page
* vbcms_widget_sectionnav_page1
* vbcms_widget_staticbb_config
* vbcms_widget_staticbb_page
Modified Templates
Show/Hide Text
* block_blogentries
* block_cmsarticles
* block_sgdiscussions
* block_threads
* forumhome.css
* forumhome_forumbit_level2_post
* forumjump
* member.css
* pm_messagelist
* pm_newpm
* replacement-vbulletin-ie.css
* showthread.css
* socialgroups_mygroups_bit
* socialgroups_newgroup_bit
* socialgroups_overview.css
* socialgroups_updatedgroups_bit
* userinfraction
* vbcms.css
* vbcms_searchresult_thread
* vbcms_widget_recentblogcomments_page
* vbulletin-chrome.css
* whosonline.css
* whosonlinebit