Resido – Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System (Nulled) v4.0.0
Resido is a premium real estate related websites build on Laravel. With an advanced admin dashboard that will help you create a local or global real-estate directory site.
Resido provides many different layouts of HOME pages. Perfectly suitable for any agency, agent, property, real estate, rental, corporate, apartment, house, hotels, and all types of real estate directory services.
Resido theme’s built with Bootstrap 4, CSS3 & Jquery with 100% responsive, Retina ready & Multi-Device supported and multilingual support almost all features
All code is beautifully writte & W3C HTML validate coding. All HTML & CSS codes are commented properly so it’s easily customizable.
We’ve added all the features needed for a real estate listing site to this theme. It combines with variant grid layout, list layout style including facilities to create booking submission, agencies and agent admin dashboard, a single property compares property, agencies & agent list, and much more. Resido has everything you need to run a successful real estate business.
Admin panel:
Admin account: admin – 12345678 (username & password are autofilled)
Agent login page:
Agent account: [email protected] – 12345678
Test accounts for payment
Credit Card for Stripe: 4242 4242 4242 4242 – Anything in the CVV and expiration date
Credit Card for SSLCommerz & Razorpay: 4111111111111111, Exp: 12/25, CVV: 111
Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
PHP >= 8.2 >> Higher
MySQL Database server
PDO PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Exif PHP Extension
Fileinfo Extension
XML PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
Module Re_write server
PHP_CURL Module Enable
Software Framework Laravel
Software Version PHP 8.x, MySQL 8.x, MySQL 5.x
Password is the word password