Creating a Telegram bot store
Store prototypes for Telegram with CMS Moltin and the Redis database
How to install
Step 1. Get all the authorization keys
Step 1.1 To launch the bot in Telegram, you must:
Create a bot for telegram users through the Father of bots and take a token for authorization.
Create a bot for telegram service messages through the Father of bots and take a token for authorization.
Find out your ID through a special bot.
Step 1.2 Get the CMS Moltin authorization keys:
You need to register.
The main page will contain the necessary keys to obtain an authorization token, which changes every hour.
Step 2. Set Environment variables
REDIS_HOST — Host of the Redis database;
REDIS_PORT — Port of the Redis database;
REDIS_PASSWORD — The password of the Redis database;
REDIS_DB is the number of the Redis database, set to 0 by default;
TELEGRAM_TOKEN — a token for authorization of the bot in Telegram;
TELEGRAM_BOT_INFORMATION_TOKEN — token for authorization of the bot for informational messages;
CHAT_ID_TELEGRAM_INFORMATION — to whom the bot will write for informational messages;
CLIENT_ID_MOLTIN — your id in Moltin;
CLIENT_SECRET_MOLTIN is the secret key to your Moltin account.
Step 3. Launch the bot
Example of running in
the python3 console
Environment requirements
All required modules are specified in the file requirements.txt
To install, run the command:
python3 pip install -r requirements.txt