[Nulled] » Nulled Warez Scripts » PHP Scripts » The script of the exchange of links and banners Setlink
November 09 2022

The script of the exchange of links and banners Setlink

A unique new script of the advertising network. Made to order for 70,000 rubles. The customer gave permission to resell the script, as he closed the project and started working in a completely different direction. The bottom line is that the webmaster places the system code on his website, creating an advertising space, and the advertiser can buy it at full automatic. Analogy with the popular Linkslot.ru , but the functionality is much broader. Below it is written in detail how this script works.

Project features:
- Three types of advertising:
- Fixed or static line - a line at the bottom or top of the site. Fixed - position:fixed, that is, it floats after scrolling on top of the content. Static - creates an indent from the body by the height of the line and, accordingly, the line itself is inserted there. When adding a resource, everything is indicated that is possible - the cost per 1000 impressions, text color, background color, location, and so on. The line looks beautiful, there is a link written to the right of the advertisement itself, when clicking on which the user gets to the system page to buy advertising on this site.
- A block of links - an analogy with <url>. When adding a site, the cost of placing a link, the category, the cost of highlighting, the standard color of links, the type of block (vertical or horizontal), the number of links in the block, the length of the link text (anchor) and more are indicated. It looks beautiful, as well as in addition to advertising links, there are links such as Buy a link here for X rubles. (when clicked, you go to the link purchase page) and Put it on your website (referral link to the main page of the project).
- Banner block - also this type of advertising is similar to linkslot, but there is a difference, more on that later. When adding a site, the cost of placing a banner for a week is indicated, the site category, the type of banner (dimensions 468 x 60, 1000 x 90, 728 x 90, 600 x 90, 300 x 250, 250 x 250, 240 x 400, 234 x 60, 200 x 300, 200 x 200, 160 x 600, 150 x 150, 125 x 125, 120 x 600, 100 x 100 and 88 x 31), the number of banners in rotation and more. The trick here is in the rotation itself - in the concept of a link slot, rotation occurs after the page is reloaded, but we have it implemented directly on the page using jаvascript and the interval through which banners will change. The default is 10 seconds, can be changed. This gives a big plus, since absolutely any number of banners can be bought on the webmaster's site and all of them will be displayed in random order. In this case, the "number of banners in rotation" field indicates how many banners to load for rotation on the page. Value 1 - no rotation. This is logical. In the upper right corner of the banner, when hovering, the button for buying ads in this place is pushed out. In the absence of advertising, beautiful system stubs are displayed.
- Buying advertising spaces of any kind for an advertiser is very simple.
- A convenient catalog of sites with screenshots for searching for resources according to the necessary parameters. In addition, each site shows what kind of advertising is installed on it, the type, the cost of placement.
- In the personal account on the webmaster's page, detailed statistics on earnings, impressions per day, unique visitors, clicks, and so on are shown. Convenient graphs where you can see by the clock when there were how many clicks, you can also see the date of each click or impression, IP, the page where the ad was clicked or the block was shown, the browser and the user's operating system. That is, the webmaster has the most detailed reporting for each block.
- The advertiser has the same reporting for each purchased advertisement.
- The site catalog will display sites with block impressions more than 10 times a day. This filters out dead resources and websites from which the system code was removed.
- The catalog of sites is completely Ajax-based, that is, new sites are automatically loaded when scrolling.
- Beautiful home page showing the advantages of the project. A block of links is installed on it as a visual example for users, as well as an additional way to earn money by selling advertising spaces. On all pages of the site at the top there is a free space for the 468x60 banner, you can also put an advertising line so that the whole set would be.

- Automatic acceptance of funds via MegaKassa,Webmoney, Yandex, Payeer. You can connect any other payment systems.
- Beautiful adaptive design. It looks great on all devices with any screen resolution.
- a 2-level referral system with detailed statistics for each invited user.
- User-friendly profile. There is nothing superfluous.
- A modern ticket system for communicating with the project administrator.
- User reviews with preliminary moderation in the site control panel.
- Powerful control panel - control of users, web resources, advertising and the entire system as a whole.
- Complaints about advertising/website.
- A unique engine developed by me personally, optimized code, a minimum of database queries (more than 10 years of development experience). Has nothing to do with the Linkslot. I took it just for comparison, as it is the most popular system with similar types of advertising.
- Modern Ajax and HTML5 technologies.
- Fully open, easy-to-read source code.
- Detailed installation instructions, database - everything is included.

A unique powerful script of a modern advertising network. The most popular advertising formats by type of "purchase of advertising space". Rich functionality for both the user and the administrator. Exactly what you need for serious and professional work in this field.

This is a new version of the script. A lot of bugs and a hole with a balance cheat were closed in it! New payment cards have been added! Fixed the link block and other fixes!


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Information the publication:

  • Author of the publication: stores
  • Date of publication: 09 November 2022 13:30
  • Publication category(s): PHP Scripts»,Link Shortening script
  • Number of views of the publication: 379
  • Number of comments to the publication: 0

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