[Nulled] » Operation systems OS » Windows 8 .1 Enterprise
February 16 2024

Windows 8 .1 Enterprise

Windows 8 .1 Enterprise

Windows 8 .1 Enterprise

Even the largest and most important companies in the tech world make mistakes and must learn to overcome their failures: Apple and Google have done it, and so has Microsoft. Among the most high-profile failures of the company founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, we can mention their late entry into the Windows Phone mobile phone sector or their unsuccessful entry into the MP3 player market with Zune, but if there is a serious failure to pay attention to, it is definitely their Windows 8 operating system. However, some people like it, and that's why we offer you the opportunity to download Windows 8 for PC to try it out for yourself.

Windows regression.

Trying to be as correct as possible and without going into details of the operating system developed by the guys from Redmond, officially released in October 2012 and stopped receiving updates less than a year later, we could say that the world was not ready for such a revolution on our desktops and laptops. The revolution, mainly related to the disappearance of the symbolic Start menu and the attempt to optimize the interface for touch-screen devices, led to a failure worthy of Windows Vista.

Microsoft tried to fix some of the problems of this operating system with the release of Windows 8.1 Preview and Enterprise, but it was only with the advent of Windows 10 in the summer of 2015 that the problem was finally fixed, putting an end to one of the worst operating systems of all time.

Updates introduced in this version of Windows
Obviously, not all the features introduced in this release were bad, it also featured various updates that laid the foundations for the next operating system from Microsoft. Here is a brief description of its most innovative features:

A new modern user interface, much more graphical and designed for smartphones and tablets.
Organizing programs and applications using tiles.
Applications run full screen, removing all toolbars.
A new home screen from which we can open all our apps and access our favorite sites.
Removing the classic Start menu, replacing most of its functions with the Charms bar.
Support for ARM microprocessors as well as traditional x86 microprocessors.
The updated lock screen, which, in addition to protecting our computer, can be configured to display notifications.
The new version of Internet Explorer 10 is adapted for touch screens.
Integration of Skype as an instant messaging platform.
Multitasking support, allowing you to open as many applications as you can fit across the width of the screen.
Backward compatibility with Windows 7 programs and applications.
The introduction of the Windows Store as a platform for the digital distribution of content, applications and software.
How do I download and update Windows 8?
Do you still want to download Windows 8 for PC after I told you about all its benefits? Then you should know that there are basically two ways to download the ISO and install this system on a PC, which we will explain below:

Method 1: Through the Microsoft Evaluation Center, you will be able to download a trial version valid for 90 days, after which you will need to get a serial number. To do this, you will need to register for free in your Microsoft account, specifying your personal data, the version (32 or 64 bit) and the language of the operating system that you want to download.
Method 2: Using the Windows Media Creation tool, which you can download from the official website and with which you create your own installation media with USB flash memory or DVD, being able to carry the ISO with you wherever you go.
Windows 8 or Windows 10?
Seriously? If you're still asking yourself which is better when comparing W8 and W10, it means that either I didn't get through to my readers, or you just skipped all the previous paragraphs, which took me hours to write. In fact, Windows 10 fixes all the nonsense introduced by the successor of Windows 7 by bringing back the Start menu, placing Cortana on the desktop, launching many useful updates, introducing us to an OS suitable for both desktops and tablets, and closing one of the darkest eras in Microsoft's history. So here you have an answer that should dispel all your doubts: The Windows 10 PC that I'm using to write this short review is damn superior to any Win 8 PC.


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Information the publication:

  • Author of the publication: bbserena
  • Date of publication: 16 February 2024 08:33
  • Publication category(s): Operation systems OS»,Windows
  • Number of views of the publication: 122
  • Number of comments to the publication: 0

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