September 14 2023

XenForo 2.2.12 is now available for download. We recommend that all users working with previous versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade to this version to improve the stability and security of the forum.

We are pleased to announce the introduction of two new features available in XenForo 2.2.12.

New CAPTCHA Provider: Cloudflare Turnstile

In September, Cloudflare Turnstile was announced. You may have noticed that the developers quickly implemented it into the engine, and it has been working on the offline forum for some time.

Although at first glance it may seem "just another CAPTCHA option", but the developers believe that Cloudflare has done a lot of right things in its approach to this product that many other providers, including HCaptcha and Google reCAPTCHA, lack. This is much better for your users, respects the privacy of your users, and in XF 2.2.12 also provides more detailed logging in the Cloudflare dashboard so that you can see analytics about where CAPTCHA is used in the engine.

We recommend that you read more about Cloudflare Turnstile on their blog and consider registering your site for free right here or, if you are already a Cloudflare user, get started in your Cloudflare dashboard.

Improved Cookie Consent system

Starting with XF 2.2.12, you will be able to enable a new "advanced" cookie consent system. This will allow your users to have much more detailed control over the specific cookies that are set, the purpose of each cookie, and will prevent the installation of some cookies until explicit consent is obtained.

As always, this system can also be extended by add-on developers, so that the cookies set by the add-on can be appropriately classified and also require consent before certain functionality becomes available.

This feature is not enabled by default and should currently be considered a beta version. If you want to enable it, you can do so by finding the cookieConsent option in your admin dashboard and setting the option to "Advanced".

A number of serious bugs have also been fixed
List of changes in English
List of modified templates
Current system requirements

Minimum system requirements:
PHP 7.0 or later (we recommend PHP 8.0)
MySQL 5.5 or later (also compatible with MariaDB/Percona, etc.)
All official plugins require XenForo 2.2 for their work
Enhanced Search requires the latest version of Elasticsearch 2.0.


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Log in to the site under your login and password or if you are a new user go through the process registrations on the website.


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