January 30 2023

Crypto Exchange platform

Downloading the cryptocurrency exchange platform is the full source code and no license is required.
Easy installation with a clean code structure, ready to go.

Demo user account:
username: [email protected]
password: demo321

Demo administrator account:
username: [email protected]
password: demo321


More than 2,100+ cryptocurrencies are available
85 currencies are supported
Real-time Trading
Get the balance of your wallet
Buy/ sell cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin) in Market & Limit mode
Expanded Coins Page
Depth chart
Order Book
Private Block Folio
Candlesticks on an advanced trader's chart
Technical indicators, fully customizable
10 technical indicators
Technical indicators are fully customizable (parameters, color, line)
Data on the history of coins from 1 minute to 5 months
Operational data
Live trend on the chart
Detailed market analysis
News and social networks
Observation list
Heat map
The best driving forces
Live market (sale/purchase) with market balancing
Calculator (Cryptocurrency Exchange <==> Currencies)
Up to 6 charts on the dashboard
9 types of dashboards are available
Notifications on mobile device, browser, Windows
Adding notifications is easy by double-clicking on the chart
Notification Center in Crypto
Credit Card Payment Gateway (Stripe)
Paypal Payment
Setting up Plans
Setting up a Free trial Time
Fully adaptive (mobile, tablet) and optimized similar application on a mobile device
Extended Admin Panel for Crypto Exchanges
Easy setup of Google Analytics
Multi-language support is ready
6 languages have already been translated (English, French, Russian, Chinese, Latvian, German)
SHA512 Security Encryption
Google Authenticator
Log in and register with Google OAuth
Reset the user's password
Email notifications about greeting and password changes
The email template is easily customizable
SMTP Configuration
User registration form (using Google Recaptcha => can be disabled in the admin interface)
Free lifetime updates
24/7 support via email, forum, comments
Server Requirements for Installing a crypto exchange
PHP 5.6 or more
PHP Extensions : CURL, PDO, OpenSSL
VPS/dedicated server is optional, but it is recommended (otherwise, if the script may be slow)
allow_url_fopen should be enabled
Your own crypto exchange is now up and running and ready to go!


Visitors who are in the group Guests they can't download files.
Log in to the site under your login and password or if you are a new user go through the process registrations on the website.


    1. bigbruno (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

      01 July 2024 23:05 1 comments

      download link

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