[Nulled] » Nulled Warez Scripts » THE NEW Play2x Crypto Casino Platform Script
October 07 2022

THE NEW Play2x Crypto Casino Platform Script

THE NEW Play2x Crypto Casino Platform 


Ready to work with multiple games, full source code, just install and configure, and you're done!

You can create player bots, winning bots, bots for everything to make the site look more alive,

control the winnings, set the maximum winnings and losses in each game.

Games are also included with the source code = THERE is NO third-party API,
only a one-time cost of the script, and you install it on your server, simply and naturally, without monthly costs.

Popular crash game, dice, plinko and other available games
Easy to manage, easy to edit and configure.

php/ mysql – instant access to download full code – no encrypted files - no need for a license key

Installation Instructions:

apt-get update
apt-get -y install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:phpmyadmin/ppa
add-apt-repository ppa:eek:ndrej/php
apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade
apt-get install -y php7.4 php7.4-bcmath php7.4-ctype php7.4-fileinfo php7.4-json php7.4-mbstring php7.4-pdo php7.4-xml php7.4-tokenizer
apt-get install -y composer apache2 mysql-server
sudo mysql_secure_installation

mysql -u root
USE mysql;
UPDATE user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD("g12J21q1MxXN") WHERE User='root';
UPDATE user SET plugin="mysql_native_password" WHERE User='root';

apt-get install -y phpmyadmin

The phpMyAdmin installer will ask for mysql data and where to install it. At the server selection stage, you need to select Apache by checking the box (space).

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
npm i -g pm2

sudo apt-get install unzip
cd /var/www/html
unzip 1.zip

Then go to /usr/share/phpmyadmin
and change the file name config.simple.inc.php on config.inc.php
We go to the website http://www.passwordtool.hu/blowfish-password-hash-generator
Copy the blowfish, and paste it into the file config.inc.php in the field $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = ";

Important: now you need to configure the Apache server for Laravel:
nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Changing DocumentRoot /var/www/html to DocumentRoot/var/www/html/public
After DocumentRoot we write the following
<directory var="" www="" html="" public="">
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
Allow from all
Require all granted
AllowOverride All

a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 restart

Go to the website / phpmyadmin with root data and create a database.
Upload the database file there in the script .
We drive the data from the database into the evn file and save it.

In the file, change APP_DEBUG to false, APP_URL to the site address..
DB_DATABASE to the database name
DB_USERNAME on root (default) or other username if it was created
DB_PASSWORD to the database password
, after which we execute the command:
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/storage
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/bootstrap
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
NPM installation, as well as pm2 required for operation:
apt-get install npm
npm install --save -g pm2
npm install --save -g cors easyvk express http xss-filters crypto mathjs socket.js
npm install --save -g fs

The file in the main page of the script responsible for the promo bot is promo_bot.js
The last domain needs to be changed to the site address:
domain = __LOCALHOST ? 'http://localhost' : 'http://win5x.com';

The file in the main page of the script responsible for starting the chat - chat.js
The last domain needs to be changed to the site address:
domain = __LOCALHOST ? 'http://localhost' : 'http://win5x.com';

Running scripts:
pm2 start chat.js
pm2 start promo_bot.js
pm2 start -f chat.js
pm2 delete all

Issuance of the admin panel in the database , in the users table
In the line is_admin by 1 and put chat_role by 3
All chat_role IDs
0 - user
1 - youtube (spin is disabled)
2 - moderator (in the admin area has access to the creation of promo codes)
3 - administrator (full access)

After the issue, the admin panel will be available at http://site/admin


Visitors who are in the group Guests they can't download files.
Log in to the site under your login and password or if you are a new user go through the process registrations on the website.


    1. onionxx (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

      29 March 2024 14:41 1 comments

      Who launched their website using this script? Tell me there are no mistakes or big difficulties.

      1. coder (👨‍💼🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

        30 May 2024 08:01 4 commenti

        Everything works

    1. probet (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      03 July 2023 16:07 31 comments

      Oh, great, I'll try to expand it at home

    1. nullcode (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      03 July 2023 15:19 28 commente

      In my case, apt-get install php7.4-curl saved me /

    1. uStudio (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      03 July 2023 12:41 37 commente


      Everything works ! try changing the php version . Or enable curl in the current one. And check again if you have done everything as in the instructions.

    1. BigBro (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      03 July 2023 12:38 77 commente

      a screenshot of the error at least

    1. timecv (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      03 July 2023 06:49 28 commente

      Well, it seems to have started, now I will test and say

      Who put this script or similar, did anyone have a 500 error when logging in?

    1. Lunarcat (👨‍💼🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      05 December 2022 09:39 7 commente


      Thanks for the clarification

    1. MichaelCalce (👑🅰ᴅᴍɪɴ)

      09 October 2022 13:56 209 commente



    1. zecomando (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

      08 October 2022 16:05 1 comments

      Where i can get this?

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