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December 27 2022

What a programmer needs to know about website and 1C integration

What a programmer needs to know about website and 1C integration

You can't just take and integrate the site with 1C. (c) Folk art.

The purpose of writing the post is to present all the information on the topic in human language.

Website integration on 1C-Bitrix: Website management and 1C is an inexhaustible source of questions and problems. There are 16 pages on the site of ideas for Bitrix in the corresponding section, there are more than 23,000 messages about it on the forum. In the form of contacting Bitrix technical support, there is even a separate type of application "Exchange with 1C".

It is believed that the integration of 1C and the site on Bitrix should work out of the box. The simplest functions can really be run in an hour or two. But you can spend both 10 and 100 hours to finalize the exchange. 

Finalizing the exchange of the site and 1C is already the magic of the "expert" level, scares even a bearded experienced developer. In this article, we will talk about how data is exchanged between these two monsters and how you can expand the possibilities of this exchange. The article contains a lot of technical details of the exchange and will be useful mainly to programmers who want to understand the subject.

This article will consider the general theory of exchange between two IT systems and two standard exchanges between 1C and the site on 1C-Bitrix: the exchange of goods and the exchange of reference books.

A little theory
Integration is the exchange of information between two IT systems. Sometimes called just an exchange. It is determined by the data format, the protocol (standard) of data transmission, the algorithm of operation

Format = how the data looks (for example, XML, YML, JSON, CSV).

Protocol = how data ends up in another location (e.g. HTTP, SIP, SMTP, FTP). 

Algorithm = what happens in this case. It is represented by a flowchart or diagram of a UML Activity.

Examples of integrations:

exchange of goods between a self-written accounting system and a website (FTP protocol, CSV format);

currency exchange rate parsing from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (HTTP protocol, XML format);

website integration with Yandex.Market (HTTP protocol, YML format).

The exchange procedure can be divided into 3 parts:

Exporting data from System A to the required format

Data transmission

Importing data of the required format into system B.

Often the entire exchange is called "import" ("loading") and "export" ("unloading"). This is not a mistake, according to this formulation, the speaker shows the point of view of which system is closer to him. What is for 1C export of goods, for Bitrix import. In the following text of the article, we will not use these concepts in order not to generate ambiguity.

And one more important clarification. "1C" — depending on the context, it may be a legend company "1C LLC", their development "1C:Enterprise" or a specific configuration (for example, "1C: Trade Management" or "1C:ERP Enterprise Management") with an installed exchange module with the site.  In the world of web development, the latter definition is meant. A similar agreement will apply in the article. It's the same with a website on the 1C-Bitrix platform: Site management is usually just "Bitrix".

Integration — data exchange between two systems.

Format — how the data looks.

Protocol — how data is transmitted. 

1C — software.

Bitrix website.

Brevity is a sister. 

Standard exchange capabilities of 1C and Bitrix
"Out of the box" (without programmer improvements) 4 types of exchange work:

products from 1C to the website (type "catalog");

directories from 1C to the site (type "reference");

users/contractors from 1C to the site (type "sale");

orders (type "sale"):

from 1C to the website;

from the site to 1C.

All interactions between 1C and Bitrix are carried out over HTTP, synchronously. So 1C is like a browser, it "opens" a special page, sends data (using POST and GET methods) and receives a text response. There is even a way to simulate downloading from 1C by the browser (and we often use this trick during development and debugging). We told you more about debugging in the previous article "Typical integration errors between 1C and 1C-Bitrix".

In terms of network interactions, 1C is the client, and the site is the server. Appeals are always initiated on the 1C side. 1C has the site address settings, the site doesn't know anything about 1C.

The protocol is synchronous. 1C sends the next request to the site only after receiving a response to the previous one (or receiving a timeout error).

Data is transmitted in two formats. 

The first format is text for site responses to requests from 1C. The site displays in the first line of the response "success" if it has completed a certain procedure, "progress" if it continues to perform it and "error" or "failure" if there was an error. The following lines may contain additional data (depends on each specific request).

The second format is CommerceML 2 . It is based on XML, goods, offers, prices, warehouses, orders and counterparties (users + payment profiles) are transmitted in this format.

Preparation for the exchange
We have already said above that the exchange protocol is synchronous HTTP. All the listed types of exchange imply the execution of several requests (exchange steps) one after the other. The first two steps are the same for any type of exchange, the differences start further


GET parameters:

type=<exchange type>


Basic access login:

Site login from 1C settings

Basic access password:

Site password from 1C settings


If success:


<authorization cookie name>

<authorization cookie value>

sessid=<session ID>




If the error:


<error text>

Any exchange begins with the authorization of 1C on the site using the Basic access method. If successful, the site displays "success", the name and value of the Cookie (which it will check in all subsequent requests), the session id and other parameters (depending on the type — type of exchange).

Possible errors

Error text

What to do

Authorization error. Invalid username or password.

Check your login and password in Bitrix

You don't have permissions to import the directory. Check the settings of the import component.

Check user rights in Bitrix

Error checking the request source. Update the exchange module or disable verification in the component settings

Update the exchange module in 1C or execute php code on the website:

COption::SetOptionString("catalog", "DEFAULT_SKIP_SOURCE_CHECK", "Y");

COption::SetOptionString("sale", "secure_1c_exchange", "N");

The Information Block module is not installed.

Check the iblock module in Bitrix. Must be downloaded and installed

Session ID change is enabled. In the connection file of the exchange component, before connecting the prologue, define the constant BX_SESSION_ID_CHANGE: define('BX_SESSION_ID_CHANGE', false);

Perform the proposed action

The time on the database server differs from the time on the web server by more than 10 minutes. The time zones are probably incorrectly configured. Complete the setup and repeat the exchange.

Check the time zone settings on the web server and on the database server

Request site Settings

GET parameters:

type=<exchange type>


sessid=<session ID>


<authorization cookie name>=<authorization cookie value>


If success:



At this step, 1C learns the site settings that are important for the exchange. Management of these parameters on the site takes place on the page "Integration with 1C" in the site control panel.

Exchange of goods (1C -> Bitrix)
This type of exchange (type=catalog) is used to create and update the following entities on the site:

information block of goods;

UF-fields of sections in this info block;

properties of the elements in this info block;

information block SKU;

types of prices;


sections in the product information block;

items in the goods information block (products);

prices of goods;

availability of goods in warehouses.

When exchanging goods, 1C generates XML files, transfers them to the site and controls their processing by the site. 1C can transfer 4 types of files:

In files with the import_ prefix — catalog sections, products, product properties.

In files with the prefix offers_ — SKU.

In files with the prices_ prefix — prices of goods and offers.

In files with the rests_ prefix, there are remnants of goods and warehouse offers.

At the authorization step, if successful, the server will return an additional parameter timestamp (current time). 1C will save the timestamp and send it to the site at the last step of the exchange of goods.

Step 1. File Transfer (recurring)

GET parameters:



sessid=<session ID>

filename=<file name>


The contents of the file as a string


<Cookie name>=<cookie value>


If success:


If the error:


<error text>

The step can be performed several times. Each file is uploaded in parts of no more than file_limit bytes (see the previous step) in binary form via a raw POST request. The site creates a file if there isn't one. The file name is taken from the filename GET parameter and appends the transmitted content to it. This continues until 1C transfers all parts of this file. 

Possible errors

Error text

What to do

Error reading HTTP data

Check the network connection between the site and 1C.

Error opening file <file name> for writing

Check the rights to the file and the file folder from the apache user under which Bitrix is running.

Error writing to file <file name>

Check the rights to the file and the file folder from the apache user under which Bitrix is running.

Step 2. Main

GET parameters:

type=<exchange type>


sessid=<session ID>

filename=<file name>


<Cookie name>=<cookie value>


If the import is completed:


If the import continues:


<current status>

If the error:


<error text>

This step is special. The file has already been fully uploaded to the site and Bitrix is ready to process it. Its processing may consist of 11 smaller operations that 1C knows nothing about. Therefore, in the GET parameter comes mode=import (the same request!), but the site performs completely different operations. Bitrix saves the current progress in the session in the variable $_SESSION[BX_CML2_IMPORT][NS]. For example, the STEP node in this array is responsible for the number of the internal import operation.

Step 2.1 Unpacking the archive (repetitive, optional)


If the file is unpacked:


The archive is being unpacked

If the file is being unpacked:


Unpacking of the archive is completed

If the error:


<error text>

The step is executed only if 1C has transferred the file in ZIP format. Unpacking takes place in the same directory where all the files of the exchange of goods are located (by default — /upload/1c_catalog/). This operation is not numbered inside Bitrix (the value of STEP in the session does not change).

Possible errors

Error text

What to do

Archive unpacking error

Check the functionality of the PHP zip_open function and the Zip extension . If everything is correct, download the archive from the site and check its correctness manually.

Step 2.2 Deleting Temporary Tables


If success:


Temporary tables deleted




Working directly with an XML file (especially if it is large) is inconvenient and inefficient. Therefore, all data is read into the temporary b_xml_tree table. At this preparatory step, the b_xml_tree table, if it exists, is deleted.

Step 2.3 Creating Temporary Tables


If success:


Temporary tables have been created




The b_xml_tree table is being created. If the PHP constant BX_XML_CREATE_INDEXES_IMMEDIATELY is declared, the table is indexed immediately. At the end of this step , Bitrix emits the OnBeforeCatalogImport1C event .

Possible errors

Error text

What to do

Error creating temporary tables

Check the rights and connection of the DBMS.

Step 2.4 Uploading a file to a temporary table (repetitive)


If the file is being read:


Processed <number>% of the file

If the file is read:


The import file has been read

If the error:


<error text>




Bitrix starts reading the file transferred from 1C step by step, adding entries to the b_xml_tree table. To avoid problems with execution time, the process takes place step by step. The duration of the step is controlled on the page "Integration with 1C" in the site control panel.

Possible errors

Error text

What to do

Error opening the import file

Check file access

Step 2.5 Indexing Temporary tables


If success:


Temporary tables are indexed

If the error:


<error text>




To increase the speed of the import, the b_xml_tree table is indexed after reading the file.

Possible errors

Error text

What to do

Error creating an index for temporary tables

Possible cause: problems with the DBMS, rights in it, or connection.

Step 2.6 Importing Metadata


If success:


Metadata imported successfully

If the error:


Metadata import error

<error text>




At this step, the following data is created or updated:

Product information blocks and SKUs

Directory service properties (with CML2_ prefix: CML2_BAR_CODE, CML2_ARTICLE, CML2_ATTRIBUTES...)

Trade Catalog

Properties of infoblocks

UF-fields of sections of information blocks

Types of prices


Units of measurement

Important: No entities are deleted when importing metadata. A warehouse or price type accidentally unloaded from 1C remains on the site until the administrator manually deletes it.

Possible errors

Error text

What to do

The "Trade Catalog" module is missing. Import of trade offers and prices is not possible

Explanations are not required

Error creating the type of information blocks

This message is followed by the API error text, which will explain the reason for the error.

Error adding a new unit of measurement (unit code: <code>)

Bitrix will not output the error text, you need to parse the XML file yourself and find the cause of the error.

The number of imported warehouses exceeds the allowed number for this edition

Explanations are not required

Error importing a custom property (xml_id: <code>)

Check the parameters of a custom property

The name of the directory must begin with a letter and consist only of Latin letters and numbers.

Explanations are not required

Prices with the same name are configured in the upload. The exchange cannot continue.

Explanations are not required

In the Small Business edition, it is not possible to have more than one type of price. Set up the upload from 1C or switch to another edition of the BEADS.

Step 2.7 Importing Directory Partitions


If success:


Groups imported

If the error:


Metadata import error

<error text>




At this step, all the directory sections that were in the XML file are created and updated in the infoblock. The sections from the XML file and in the database are mapped by XML_ID.

If the site does not have a section with the XML_ID from the file, it is created. If there is, then the fields from the XML file are compared with similar fields in the database. If there is no change, then Bitrix only updates the TIMESTAMP_X field and skips the section. If there are changes, a full—fledged update takes place. This happens regardless of the site settings.

To save server resources, partitions are added without recalculating the tree (we are talking about the LEFT_MARGIN and RIGHT_MARGIN fields).

Possible errors

Since the import of sections is not step-by-step, an error of exceeding the execution time may occur when exchanging a large tree of sections on the site. There are three solutions.

Increase the execution time on the page "Integration with 1C" and in the server settings (nginx).

Modify 1C so that errors at this stage are ignored until the "progress" response is received.

Repeat the entire upload several times.

Let's explain how repeating a step or the entire upload will help. Let's say there is a section in the XML file and on the site 20001. Let's say Bitrix manages to import only 10,000 partitions in one pass.

 Exchange/Step No.

Skipped because there are no changes






Server error




Server error





Groups imported

Bitrix processes as many partitions as it can each time. When unloading again, it will skip the first 10,000 partitions (it will update only TIMESTAMP_X) and update another 10,000 partitions until the timeout has come. And only on the 3rd upload from 1C, the step will be completed correctly.

Step 2.8 Recalculating the Partition Tree


If success:


Deactivation/deletion of groups completed

If the error:


Metadata import error

<error text>




At this step , Bitrix performs two tasks:

Deleting/deactivating partitions (in older versions of the exchange module in 1C)

Rebuilding the partition tree

In older versions of 1C, it is simple to distinguish a full upload from a partial one: with a partial one in the "Classifier" node, there was an attribute containing only a change = "true", with a full one it was not.

In 2019, 1C always unloads this attribute. If this attribute is not present, Bitrix could (and still can, just this code is not used) delete, deactivate old partitions (or skip them). The choice was influenced by the parameter on the page "Integration with 1C". Now this setting has no effect on anything and there is no deactivation or deletion.

Also at this step, the service fields LEFT_MARGIN and RIGHT_MARGIN of all sections are recalculated.

Step 2.9 Import of goods (recurring)


If the import process is underway:


Processed <number> of <number> elements

If the import is completed:


Loading of elements is completed

If the error:


<error text>





Associative array, counter of processed goods and all goods in the file

At this step, all the products that were in the XML file are created and updated in the infoblock. The products in the file are matched to the products on the site by the XML_ID field.

If there is no product on the site with the XML_ID from the file, it is created. If there is, then the fields from the XML file are compared with similar fields in the database. 

If there is no change, and the parameter "Use checksums of items to optimize catalog updates" is set, Bitrix only updates the TIMESTAMP_X field and skips the product. Otherwise, a full-fledged update occurs.

When importing a product, the TMP_ID field is filled in. The value for this field is stored in the <Version Number> node. If there is no node, Bitrix calculates the checksum of all product information from the XML file.

Possible errors

Error text

What to do

The temporary table does not exist

The error occurs if several 1C works with the site or one 1C sends several requests at the same time. One thread is running step 4.9, and the other has started step 4.2.

Step 2.10 Deactivation/removal of products (recurring)


If processing is underway:


Processed <number> of <number> elements

If processing is completed:


Deactivation/Deleting items completed

If the error:


<error text>





Associative array, counter of processed goods and all goods in the file

In this step earlier (as in step 2.8 Recalculating the partition tree) Bitrix was cleaning the goods. Cleaning of goods occurred only if there was no mark in the “Classifier” node of the XML file containing only changes= "true" (the old format of unloading). There is a similar setting for choosing what to do with the goods.

In 2019, nothing happens at this step.

Step 2.11 Completing the import


If success:


Import completed successfully

If the error:


<error text>




Service step. There is no data processing, only the OnSuccessCatalogImport1C event is emitted.

Step 3. Deactivating old data

GET parameters:

type=<exchange type>


sessid=<session ID>

timestamp=<server time>


<Cookie name>=<cookie value>


If success:


Deactivation of the elements is complete

If the error:


Error deactivating elements

At this step, in 2019, Bitrix will deactivate all products and catalog sections that are not affected in the current session. To do this, the time of the last change is compared with timestamp, which transmits 1C — the start time of the current session received at the authorization step.

Recall that these settings in the control panel of the site do not affect anything now (deactivation always occurs):

This step will be performed only if modern 1C makes a full upload. There is no such step for uploading changes in older versions of 1C.

Step 4. Completing the import

GET parameters:

type=<exchange type>


sessid=<session ID>


<Cookie name>=<cookie value>


If success:


Completing the import procedure

If the error:


<error text>

Service step. There is no data processing, only an undocumented event of the catalog OnCompleteCatalogImport1C module is emitted. The arguments of the handler are similar to the handlers of the OnSuccessCatalogImport1C event, there is no return value.

Exchange of reference books (1C -> Bitrix)
This type of exchange (type=reference) is used to create and update HL blocks on the site. This type is much shorter than the exchange of goods and repeats many of its steps.

Often the exchange of directories is an easy and fast way to expand the standard exchange functions.

Exchange of reference books
Exchange of reference books
Step 1. File transfer (repetitive)
see the similar step of exchanging goods, (only mode differs, in this type of exchange mode =reference).

Step 2. Main

GET parameters:



sessid=<session ID>


<Cookie name>=<cookie value>

Step 2.1 Unpacking the archive (repetitive, optional)

see the similar step of exchanging goods.

Step 2.2 Preparing the directory


If success:


A directory has been found or created. Directory code: <ID>

If the error:


<error text>

At this step, Bitrix creates an HL block (if it does not exist) and all the UF fields. At the beginning of the step, the event of the catalog OnBeforeCatalogImportHL module is emitted. The event is undocumented, an array of component parameters and the path to the XML file are passed to the handlers. The handler can cause an error and return an arbitrary message.

It is important to know the following features of importing directories:

1C cannot delete a directory or a field, only create;

1C can only create fields of the following types: String, Boolean, Date, Number;

all fields created by 1C will be single, optional, hidden in the filter, shown and editable in the table;

Bitrix automatically creates the fields: UF_NAME, UF_XML_ID, UF_VERSION, UF_DESCRIPTION.

Possible errors

Error text

What to do

Error when creating a field in the directory <Error text>

Study the text and correct it in 1C or on the website

Error when creating a directory <Error text>

Study the text and correct it in 1C or on the website

XML parsing error. Error Code: <Error Code>

Decipher the code and fix it in 1C or on the website

Decoding error codes.




Unknown XML file parsing error


Invalid XML file


The directory <Id> node is missing or empty in the XML file


The XML file has a missing or empty <Name> directory node


No higloadblock was found during the import of UF fields


The XML file has a missing or empty node <Id> in <Props>


In the XML file, there is no or empty node <Name> in <Details>


Unknown <Value type> in the <Props> node (only allowed: String, Boolean, Date, Number)


Unknown error when creating the UF field of the highload block


During the directory elements, no higloadblock was found


The XML file has a missing or empty node <Id> in the <Reference element>


The XML file has a missing or empty node <Session Values> in <Session Values> in <Tutorial Element>

Step 2.3 Importing Elements (Repetitive)


If the import is completed:


Import completed successfully

If the import is in progress:


Imported elements: <number>

If the error:


<error text>


At this step, Bitrix imports all the elements of the HL block.

If the upload was complete, Bitrix deletes all elements of the HL block whose UF_VERSION field value does not start with <current session ID> + "#"

At the end of the step, Bitrix emits the event of the catalog OnSuccessCatalogImportHL module. Arguments are an array of component parameters and the path to the file.

Possible errors

Similar to the errors in the previous step.

File format
Product exchange file format

Offer exchange file format

File format for exchanging prices of goods and offers
pasted image 0 (35).png

pasted image 0 (35).png

File format for the exchange of leftovers of goods and offers

Directory exchange file format

Let's explain some places of this XML.

Node <Id>

The value becomes the name of the entity (after transliteration).

With the prefix "b_" becomes the name of the table (after transliteration).

Node <Name> Not used. Generally. But if the node is not in the file, Bitrix will give an error (sic!)

Each <Props> is described by three nodes:


The value becomes the XML ID of the field

With the prefix "UF_" becomes the field code


The value becomes the name of the UF field.

<Value Type>

4 valid values: String, Boolean, Date, Number

Each <Reference List element> is described by fields:


Becomes the value of the UF_XML_ID field

<Version Number>

With the prefix <current session ID> + "#" becomes the value of the UF_VERSION field

<Requirements Values>

Props Code

Becomes the value of the UF_NAME field

Details Name

Becomes the value of the UF_DESCRIPTION field

Tagging details

Not used

Other banking details

Fields of the "Date" type are presented in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.

Boolean fields are represented by true or false strings (or an empty string).

How to finalize the exchange?
1C sends all requests (with standard exchange) to the service page /bitrix/admin/1c_exchange.php . But if you look into the file, it turns out that all the logic is hidden in the depths of the "Trade Catalog" module in the file /bitrix/modules/sale/admin/1c_exchange.php . These pages cannot be changed, but they can be copied (we usually copy to /bitrix/admin/1c_exchange_custom.php ) and change the address in 1C.

On this page, depending on the transmitted GET parameters (just like complex components in non-CNC mode), various simple components are connected. Components without templates.

A significant part of the logic is taken out of these components into classes. The relationship of exchange types, GET parameters, components and main classes is shown in the table below. 

Data type



A class with logic

Class Path

Orders, contractors





Products, offers, warehouses, prices, availability









In the folder with the component

There are 3 fundamentally different ways to finalize the exchange with 1C:

Do not touch the standard exchange, use event handlers.

Customize the exchange files on the site side and refine according to the requirements

Upload the necessary data as directories and process it yourself.

The first method is needed for the simplest cases, nothing serious can be done this way.

The second method is implemented as follows:

Create your own exchange page. Usually it is /bitrix/admin/1c_exchange_custom.php .

Transfer the code from / to this pagebitrix/modules/sale/admin/1c_exchange.php .

Customize the necessary exchange component and replace the call of the system component with a call of your own (for example, bitrix:catalog.import.1c on intervolga:catalog.import.1c) on the new exchange page.

You may need to change the logic of the class. Use inheritance (for example, the \Intervolga\Custom\Exchange\Cml class can inherit from \CIBlockCMLImport and override the ImportElements method).

After edits on the site, you need to change the parameter "Site address and path to the exchange script" in 1C. The username and password are the same for both the standard exchange and the modified one.

The third method (through directories) is suitable if the desired 1C entity does not have an analogue on the site at all or for some reason the standard import is not suitable at all. The highloadblock module has all the necessary events (creation, editing, deletion) and for unloaded projects this is a pretty good solution. 

With the help of downloading directories, tasks such as creating users on the site via 1C, uploading personal prices and discounts, bonuses and information for the partners' personal account are solved.

Debugging the exchange is a separate sore point. It is usually solved by logging all the processes occurring in the bowels of Bitrix. INTERVOLGE has developed its own exchange logging system, which represents the entire process in the form of a Gantt diagram. It immediately shows if there are 2 exchanges going on at the same time or 1C does not wait for a response and starts sending new requests.

Often the most difficult task in the development process is integration with 1C. A clear understanding of the processes taking place in Bitrix is necessary for serious projects.


Visitors who are in the group Guests they can't download files.
Log in to the site under your login and password or if you are a new user go through the process registrations on the website.


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