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December 26 2022

BulletShare Board v1 DLE 13.3 - 14.2

I present to you BulletShare for DataLife 13.3 to 14.2. BulletShare is based on the Dle-Forum, with all the changes and additions that we could make. Even the template has been revised

This is a highly functional forum. The forum is intended for use with the DataLife Engine. And it can be integrated with almost any existing design and has no restrictions on creating templates for it.

Its main feature is the low load on system resources. Using AJAX technology allows you to save traffic and reduce the load on the server.

The management of forum categories has been rewritten. This makes them reordered, the subforums are visible.

The forum is supported by MYSQL 8 and PHP 7.4 and 8.


- Using MySQL for data storage and low database load.
- Rating of members (rank).
- Multilingual currently French, Polish and English.
- Built-in protection against unauthorized access.
- SEO (modification required).
- General statistics of the forum.
- Display of popular topics in a separate block.
- Setting up access to the forum for each group.
- Forum statistics (shows: number of posts, topics, users, 10 most active users, attendance record, last registered).
- The ability to subscribe to a topic when it is created.
- Identification of search bots.
- Create meta tags for themes.
- Search on the forum.
- Themed icons.
- User's reputation.
- Alarm log.
- Surveys on topics.
- View topics from the last visit.
- Warnings (can put the user into reading mode).
- Speedbar.
- The ability to specify the reason for editing.
- The ability to specify the text of the reason for editing.
- Frequently Asked Questions section.
- The ability to say "thank you" to the user.
-Hidden function for registered participants.

3. For members and moderators:

- Creating themes.
- Open closed topic.
- Deleting themes.
- Collection of topics (Consolidation).
- Hide themes (Hide theme).
- Editing titles.
- Recalculation of forum statistics.
- Conclusion of hidden topics.
- Display of active topics.
- Closing topics without answers.
- Editorial posts.
- Deleting messages.
- Transfer messages from one topic to another.
- The "Tell a friend" function.
- Rating (rank).
- Counting the number of messages.
- Search for users by IP addresses.
- Contextual menus.
- BBCode editors with emoticons (emoji).
- High-quality editors with emoticons (emoji).
- Download files.
- Pinning of the first post on the topic.
- Disabling the mail rack in a certain section.
- Preview themes as they are created.
- Multimoderation of topics and posts.
- Send messages for moderation.
- Help to users (FAQ)
-The ability to hide the part of the message that will be visible to members.

4. Features of the Administration Center:

- Create and edit forums.
- The ability to transfer messages to another forum when deleting a forum.
- Sorting of forums.
- Configure access for each forum.
- Setting a password for the forum.
- Management of ranks.
- Statistics and automatic system check.
- Management of advertising materials for forums.
- Setting up user groups and moderation rights.
- The ability to create individual moderators.
- Unlimited creation of subforums.
- Create a forum category.
- Create a link to the forum (when you go there, it is redirected to the specified link).
- Create categories and questions in the "Fac" section.

If you have Dle-Forum 7.7.1, then the upgrade procedure is described here.

Log in to your phpmyadmin and submit these requests.

Log in to your phpmyadmin and submit these requests.
ALTER TABLE `dle_forum_poll_log` CHANGE `member` `member_id` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE dle_forum_groups ADD post_edit_title TINYINT(1) NOT NULL AFTER post_edit;
ALTER TABLE dle_forum_sessions ADD `bot` VARCHAR( 10 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE dle_forum_posts ADD `reason_text` text NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE dle_forum_groups ADD `can_thanks` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE dle_users ADD `f_thx_num` TINYINT( 11 ) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `dle_forum_forums` ADD `genre` SET('category','forum') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'forum' AFTER `is_category`;

Upload the forum folder in the "uploads/engine" folder and overwrite the files.

Upload the forum topic in uploads/template/{THEME}_polski format according to your language.

Here your forum is up to date.

Don't forget to make a backup copy of your database and all your files and folders on FTP!

Warning! You are not allowed to view this text.

- UTF-8 (only)

- French
- Polski
- English

Author: DarkLane, Dj_AlexN
BulletShare Version: 1
Datalife version: 13.3, 14.0, 14.1, 14.2.
b]php version:[/b] 7.x, 8.x


Visitors who are in the group Guests they can't download files.
Log in to the site under your login and password or if you are a new user go through the process registrations on the website.


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