[Nulled] » Nulled Warez Scripts » Gambling Scripts Software » Casino Scripts » CASINO VULCAN SCRIPT - GAME CLUBS
December 22 2022


A unique script for a casino volcano - game clubs. Partnership program and interest on it. Tournaments, lotteries. Setting deposit bonuses - Configuring demo games - Messages for users. Distribution of letters to email. Registration and authorization through social. network. Bonuses on deposits. Entering and withdrawing funds and all statistics - Earnings and points exchange - Affiliate program - Demo game in any slots - Incoming messages - Feedback - Participation in lotteries - Participation in tournaments - Getting bonuses on your birthday - Change of background when reaching a new level Providers: The kit includes 250 games.

Download the casino vulcan script for free.


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    1. romanvad (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

      29 September 2024 21:17 3 commenti

      The script is not working. Whatever you try. When clicking on the link to it, the error is 500. the database is flooded. everything is spelled out, but not how the script does not run.

      1. Player (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

        29 September 2024 21:34 143 commenti

        There is little information. Is there an instruction there? Flash games? Server software versions? Where do you put it, a local server, hosting or VDS? There's no time to test now, to be honest, I didn't upload the file. And a dubious exchanger, trying to sell its software to download. Give me more information about what you are doing and where you are putting it, preferably with logs.

        The first thing in general .remove htaccess if it is there.

        1. romanvad (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

          29 September 2024 21:54 3 commenti

          Download unpacked. I uploaded it to the host. I filled up the database. I've prescribed everything. And when you go to the site, nothing works. here is the instruction itself, and I did everything for it.

          The script was downloaded from the website

          1) unpack and upload files.
          2)Create a database
          3)Upload from the bd.sql file
          4)Specify the paths in the engine/config/config_db file.php

          The installation is complete

          admin panel - site.ru/acp/acp_admin

          login admin password admin wm scripts

          Free updates, help and support on the website

          1. Player (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

            29 September 2024 22:24 143 commenti

            Edit the message, the script is downloaded from where and remove the last line with the address, third-party links may be punished.

            Yes, it is clear about what it is. In general, this is a script on outdated software, if it is working, then for enthusiasts, to see how it works, to study. It will be possible to run it without error 500, (look in the database dump which version of PHP is), but it is not possible to work on it without serious work on updating. If it's worth it, then rewrite to newer software, but the game is not worth the candle. There are flash games, maybe a few games will be on html5. There are browsers that work with flash, but in my opinion it's not worth messing with it.

            1. romanvad (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

              29 September 2024 22:31 3 commenti

              Understood, thanks. I was just looking for fresh scripts like this. But either it's the same thing. Or they ask for exorbitant amounts for them. And it's not a fact that you'll buy exactly the same old squeak. I can't find a good worker.

              1. Player (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

                29 September 2024 23:14 143 commenti

                You're welcome, I didn't help in any way.

                On the subject, yes, it is a difficult situation. There are a lot of scammers. You will not find a good, fresh and working script for free, You can also download the same thing from scammers for a fee. For exorbitant amounts (if any), there are also no guarantees that everything will work as it should.

                I take gambling software from paid subscriptions, check it, and upload it here. I haven't found what I need yet. But this software may well be needed by others. You may find what you need here by buying a license upgrade, but I can't guarantee it. I don't know what exactly you're looking for, and what exactly you're looking for, and the site isn't mine. Just for checking and posting it myself, I can answer what and how.

                If possible, you can take full access to all files, and search through all files already. Perhaps what you need will be found. But there are no guarantees, there are none anywhere at all.

      1. Chewbacca (👨‍💼🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

        30 September 2024 01:32 15 commente

        To display PHP errors on the screen, you can use one of the following methods:

        Using a file .htaccess. Place the file in the folder with the script on the site.htaccess with the following content:

        php_flag display_errors on
        php_flag display_startup_errors on
        php_flag error_reporting E_ALL
        In the PHP file code. Place the following code at the beginning of the PHP file:

        ini_set('display_errors', 1);
        ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
        ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
        Using the php.ini file. In the php.ini file, edit the following lines (add if necessary):

        display_errors = On
        display_startup_errors = On
        error_reporting = E_ALL

      1. moderator (⚡🅼🅾🅳🅴🆁🅰🆃🅾🆁)

        30 September 2024 02:10 440 commente

        Buying a ready-made online casino solution will cost $30,000-$50,000, to which you can immediately add payments of 6-10% of GGR. At the same time, the buyer gets his hands on a ready-made, proven engine with all the infrastructure

        This is the minimum amount. 
        We have a lot of online casino code. ( it's for developers ) These are not ready-made solutions. 
        You just don't understand how much it will cost you to launch your project. 
        If you do not have at least $100-300- 000, you should not think about creating your own online casino. 
        For example, connect the api (sports betting) for $15,000 per month. 
        You will need to pay salaries to employees, programmers every month.  
        And many other expenses (for brand promotion, advertising.) We need a whole staff of employees in various fields. 
        The budget is $1,000,000 Otherwise I do not understand the meaning of creating a casino if it does not make a profit.

      1. Player (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

        30 September 2024 03:13 143 commenti

        I may be wrong, but there are no guarantees of perfect operation in a $1000k project either. 
        It is a constant process, from time to time there are vulnerabilities, updates of server operating systems, frameworks are constantly released, from time to time holes are patched, from time to time new games are developed and added and so on. 
        The project should be engaged and understood. Install as easy as wordpress and use forever, without problems, will not work. 
        This is my opinion.

    1. bike (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

      29 March 2024 13:47 1 comments

      I downloaded it, thanks.

    1. KegaX (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

      27 June 2023 14:10 8 commente

      This can be downloaded with the premium status

    1. usgen (👨‍💼🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      04 February 2023 08:11 3 commenti

      What are you? old bullshit ????

    1. Sek0r (👨‍💼🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      19 January 2023 10:41 4 commenti

      This is a very old script, the games can even be sure of flash, which is no longer supported by browsers. Am I wrong?

    1. probet (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      27 December 2022 08:44 31 comments

      163.3MB This is generally shit. Don't even download

    1. nullcode (🅳🅴🆅👨‍💻🅿🆁🅴🅼🅸🆄🅼)

      27 December 2022 08:41 29 commente


      Old script on flash

    1. Xhunter (🆄🆂🅴🆁)

      27 December 2022 01:47 2 commenti

      They are selling for $3500 on telegram 😂😂..thanks for free download

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