Expanding your Joomla website with custom fields has become a dream of many, and now it has become a reality with the help of extended custom fields! Advanced Custom Fields PRO provides incredible flexibility and extensive features for your Joomla content, giving you the opportunity to use popular services such as embedded YouTube videos, easy-to-use Google Maps and much, much more!
The free set includes the following fields:
Youtube - outputs videos from youtube
Vimeo - outputs video from Vimeo
Daily motion - displays video from the Daily motion service
Soundcloud - outputs audio from Soundcloud
Google maps field - displays a map in the material
True / False - a field with the value Yes / No
Currency - displays the signature of the currency, for example, RUB.
Country - allows you to select a country.
Time picker - allows you to select the time
The paid package includes:
A field for module output. Right in the field, select which module to output.
Extension of the right to publish fields (applies to both additional and standard fields).
The display of fields can be linked to specific pages, menu items, time, countries, user groups, devices, transition source, language, and you can write your own condition.
Additional options for configuring video fields (start time of playback, hiding buttons, etc.).
Advanced Custom Fields PRO JOOMLA v2.1.2