The WordPress Hotel Booking Plugin from MotoPress is a comprehensive hotel booking system. Since it does not require coding, the plugin is absolutely convenient for owners of non-technical websites, as well as developers creating a WordPress hotel, any themes for rent or special websites for clients. The plugin is not focused on any particular hotel establishment, so you can use it for hotels, overnight and breakfast sites, guest houses, apartments, villas and even dormitories.
This WordPress booking plugin comes with all the necessary features to run a full-featured hospitality business website and (optionally) manage bookings.
You will be able to
- create a beautiful list of all your properties;
- control seasonal prices and tariffs;
- add a real-time search form;
- rent out real estate online with or without instant payments;
- synchronize the direct booking of the website with popular tourist channels via iCal through the administrator of the administrator channels;
- add taxes and fees;
- increase direct bookings from your own website;
Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments 1.0.3
Hotel Booking Payment Request 1.1.1
Hotel Booking Reviews 1.2.2
MotoPress Hotel Booking - Property Rental WordPress Plugin