A trusted seller - how to get what bonuses.

How to become a verified seller?
A verified seller - how to get what bonuses.

In order for a profile to receive the status of a "Verified seller", several conditions must be met:

The contractor/seller must provide the products/services for which the work is being carried out for verification without charging money. 
Exceptions are those cases when the contractor / seller cannot provide a product/service for verification. In this case, the contractor /seller may be required to make a deposit commensurate with the triple value of their goods/services. Information about the deposit of funds will be displayed in the profile of the contractor /seller.

The contractor/seller should not have arbitrations that ended not in his favor.
Make payment of the duty fee, according to the pricing policy displayed in this topic.
Pricing policy:
Duty fee and verification of the trade topic - 100 USD.
Checking the trading topic and getting a "prefix" for it has been verified - 30 USD. (We will write in the comments that the product or service has been verified - without adding you to the Verified Seller group.)

1 - You are added to the Group - A verified seller.
2 - You fall into the category of Verified sellers. Verified Products / Services
3 - We write from the Administration with the first message in the comment that the product / service has been checked

If you do not use this service, the administration will send messages to users - that the seller and the product / service are NOT VERIFIED - and work with this seller STRICTLY THROUGH the GUARANTOR SERVICE 

For the service, contact these contacts @SaulGoodman

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2-02-2023, 16:37