Bitcoin, Ethereum, ERC20 crypto wallets with exchange (Nulled) v1.1.1523

You can add any token from, (or your own ERC20 or BEP20 token), Matic tokens. All other cryptocurrencies are not supported


Multilingual BLOCKCHAIN source code/Imitating Fun Buyi Running/Native pedometer/native face recognition

There is no test, the front and rear background are separated. The background is the framework of TP3.2, which should be a relatively old program.
At present, the overall UI has been revised to a yellow style, the one-yuan treasure program is integrated, and the user data is synchronized with fun steps. The effect looks great. In addition, the stock chart (candlestick chart) has been added. Face recognition and the connected Baidu API can be used for online face recognition and access to the native pedometer. The step counting effect is very good.


Multilingual Golden Micro Disk financial management platform source code


Stock comprehensive exchange java source code front-end vue source code
k-line repair
Operation-level source code


The script of the BITCOIN mining simulator


Crypto Checker all in one 1.5


Seeds drainer v 0.4


CashScript is a high-level programming language for Bitcoin Cash smart contracts. It offers a powerful level of abstraction compared to Bitcoin Cash's native virtual machine, Bitcoin Script. Its syntax is based on the Ethereum Solidity smart contract language, but its functionality is very different because Bitcoin Cash smart contracts are very different from Ethereum smart contracts. For a detailed comparison of them, refer to the Smart Contracts blog post on Ethereum, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

CashScript is a high-level programming language for Bitcoin Cash smart contracts

CashScript is a high-level programming language for Bitcoin Cash smart contracts

BTC Alpha exchange script
full original source code
No encrypted files
Crypto exchange script


phpWallet - e-wallet and online payment gateway system

Casino, virtual sports, bingo and keno – full sourcecode – no encrypted files.
You earn 100% from every player loss and you can even set the win percentage on each game seperate.

Blackbets 2023 Bitcoin betting script with free odds data


Completely real cryptocurrency exchange software. All functions are working. İncluding mobile app codes. For both ios and android.
Cryptocurrency exchange script. Bitcoin exchange, cryptocurrency exchange, ERC20 exchange. As soon as the cryptocurrency starts trending, create a market for the cryptocurrency coin and launch the market. Start your advertising. You will soon have a large number of users if you do this for trending coins. No other exchanges can react to this trending event as quickly as you can without Exbita. Because you will be able to open any market from 1000+ coins and instantly fill it with a starter.

CryptoFolio allows you to create a powerful, privacy-oriented website with a portfolio of cryptocurrencies. The portfolio of user data and cryptocurrency is stored on the client side in the browser, which makes the script anonymous, confidential and extremely easy when loading the server. Support for 1,300+ coins

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