Railway Reservation

“Railway Reservation” is the system where the users can reserve the railway seats. This is the web browser where they can reserve it online. Designed a Railway ticket booking, reservation, and cancellation system for users that wish to travel via the Railways. It is written in PHP and MYSQL.

Firstly, the users need to register if they are a new one on the site. They need to fill-up the form like first name, last name, age, mobile, gender, email id, password, etc. After that, they can register and get the username and password. If the user has already a username name and password they can log in to the system. They can even check their PNR status. They can book the ticket by choosing the destination and submit. Users can change the password RailwayReservation/changepw.php. For the database connection in the Railway Reservation first you need to create the database named railway.sql in the

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and then you can import the database which is found railway.sql file.
The technologies used in this project are:
HTML: Page layout and design
CSS: Design
JS: Fontend
PHP: Backend
Java Script
Supported Operating Systems for Railway Reservation:
You can run this project in the following operating systems:

Project Demo
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22-06-2023, 10:13