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February 24 2022

Ethical hacking: how to hack systems and at the same time earn legally

Who is a hacker? Most people who are far from programming are a malicious criminal who breaks into the security systems of banks to steal money. Something like Hugh Jackman's character from the movie "Password is a Swordfish", who breaks the Vernam cipher to steal $9.5 billion from the government fund. Here we will focus on the legal side of hacking, and if your ideas are inspired by films, we have prepared for you a detailed overview of the profession of a cybersecurity specialist.


February 23 2022

Programming language
Programming language, a procedural extension of the SQL language developed by Oracle Corporation. It is based on the language of Hell. PL/SQL is embedded in the following DBMS: Oracle Database, TimesTen and IBM DB2.
Year of release: 1992


February 23 2022

Programming language
Dynamic, reflective, interpreted high-level programming language. The language has an operating system-independent implementation of multithreading, strong dynamic typing, garbage collector, and many other features. In terms of syntax features, it is close to the Perl and Eiffel languages, in terms of an object-oriented approach, it is similar to Smalltalk. Also some features of the language are taken from Python, Lisp, Dylan and Club.
Year of release: 1995
Website: ruby-lang.org


February 23 2022

Programming language
A multi-paradigm compiled general-purpose programming language that combines functional and procedural programming paradigms with an object system based on types. Memory management is carried out through the mechanism of "ownership" using affine types, which allows you to do without the system Read more
Year of release: 2006
Platforms: Intel P6, Web Assembly, RISC-V, PowerPC, X64, MIPS, ARM, Linux on System z
Website: rust-lang.org


February 23 2022

Programming language
A programming language introduced by Microsoft in 2012 and positioned as a web application development tool that extends the capabilities of jаvascript. The developer of the TypeScript language is Anders Heilsberg, who previously created Turbo Pascal, Delphi and C#.
Year of release: 2012
Website: typescriptlang.org


February 23 2022

Programming language
A scripting programming language developed in the Tecgraf division of the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. The interpreter of the language is freely distributed, with open source texts in the C language.
Year of release: 1993
Website: lua.org


February 23 2022

GNU Bash

coder 23-02-2022, 13:52 Programming 504

Programming language
An improved and upgraded variation of the Bourne shell command shell. One of the most popular modern versions of the UNIX command shell. It is especially popular in the Linux environment, where it is often used as a pre-installed command shell.
Year of release: 1989
Platform: GNU
Website: savannah.gnu.org/projects/bash


February 23 2022


coder 23-02-2022, 13:48 Programming 448

Imperative, structured, object-oriented, high-level programming language with strict static typing of variables. The main area of use is writing application software.
Year of release: 1995
Platform: X86


February 23 2022

Visual Basic

coder 23-02-2022, 13:46 Programming 576

Visual Basic
A programming language, as well as an integrated software development environment developed by Microsoft Corporation. The Visual Basic language has inherited the spirit, style and partly the syntax of its ancestor - the BASIC language, which has many dialects. At the same time, Visual Basic combines procedures and elements of object-oriented and component-oriented languages. Read more
Year of release: 1991
Platform: Basic


February 23 2022

Programming language
A statically typed, object-oriented programming language running on top of Java Virtual Machine and developed by JetBrains. It is also compiled into jаvascript and executable code of a number of platforms through the LLVM infrastructure. The language is named after Kotlin Island in the Gulf of Finland, on which the city of Kronstadt is located.
Year of release: 2011
Platforms: Windows, Tvs, Web Assembly, watchOS, IOS, Linux, jаvascript, macOS, Java Virtual Machine
Website: kotlinlang.org


February 23 2022

C (programming language)
Programming language
Compiled statically typed general-purpose programming language, developed in 1969-1973 by Bell Labs employee Dennis Ritchie as a development of the Bi language. It was originally developed to implement the UNIX operating system, but was later ported to many other platforms. According to the design of the language, its constructions closely match typical machine instructions, thanks to which it has found application in projects for which there was a further
Year of release: 1972


February 23 2022


coder 23-02-2022, 13:16 Programming 501

A low-level machine-oriented programming language. It is a notation system used to represent programs written in machine code in a convenient readable form. His commands directly correspond to individual machine commands or their sequences. It is essentially platform-dependent: assembly languages for different hardware platforms are incompatible, although they may be generally similar.
Year of release: 1949


February 23 2022

Virtual Machine
A software and/or hardware system that emulates the hardware of a certain platform and executes programs for a guest platform on a host platform or virtualizes a certain platform and creates environments on it that isolate programs and even operating systems from each other; also a specification of a certain computing environment.


February 23 2022

Mathcad Program

coder 23-02-2022, 13:08 Programming 388

The computer algebra system from the class of computer-aided design systems, focused on the preparation of interactive documents with calculations and visual accompaniment, is characterized by ease of use and application for teamwork.
Year of release: 1986
Website: ptc.com/en/products/mathcad


February 23 2022

MATLAB Program

coder 23-02-2022, 13:04 Programming 444

MATLAB Program

A package of application programs for solving technical computing problems. The package is used by more than a million engineers and scientists, it works on most modern operating systems, including Linux, macOS, Solaris and Windows.
Year of release: 1984


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