Music Gallery Template
Music Gallery is a website template using dark gray background color with attractive galaxy header. Contents can be divided into 2-column and 3-column blocks.
Music Gallery is a website template using dark gray background color with attractive galaxy header. Contents can be divided into 2-column and 3-column blocks.
Focus is one-page template featuring a metro style main menu. Vertical flowing effect is designed for transiting different pages. Background has a whirling graphic in green and whit e colors.
Gallery is one-page layout with a yellow-beige curved design. Nivo Slider is used on first page and Slim Box 2 is used in portfolio section. Horizontal sliding is applied for page transitions.
Titanium is a professional web design template. Two versions of homepage is included with both nivo slider and stylish xml flash slider. Blog and gallery pages are included.
NightLight theme is designed by pink-purple dark background which is perfect for parties or events. Total 6 pages included for gallery, news, article with multi-level comments, and contact form.
Responsive Theme is a fluid layout based on Bootstrap framework. Total 6 pages include homepage, about, gallery, blog, full blog post page and contact page.
Tech Layer is free mini theme designed by colorful navigations for main menu and darkgray background. This is one-page layout using jQuery horizontal scrolling transitions among pages.
Secured Template is a fixed-width layout. Total 6 pages include 2-column, 3-column, 4-column layouts for contents such as news, gallery, contact, etc.
Blue Tech is free template designed by blue color background and iconic menu items. Standard 6 pages are home, services, gallery, news, blog, contact.
Dragonfly is a small one-page layout using jQuery and nivoSlider. It is free website template from that can be used for any purpose.
Catalog theme is a HTML5-CSS3 template based on Twitter Bootstrap (version 3.0) that can work in any screen size and mobile devices.
Eco Tree is free template with 3-column layout. About page features different columns. Blog post includes comments with multiple levels.
Blactro is easy website layout based on Windows 8 metro style UI. Horizontal sliding transition is applied for changing pages.
Simplex is free responsive template based on Bootstrap 3.0.0 and this layout works on both mobile and desktop devices.
Smoke House CSS Template has an integrated drop-down menu system and fixed 2-column layout. This design used darkgray background color in 2 layers.