November 11 2022

AdminLTE 2 is a new version of the popular administrative template. The template contains adaptive, universal and frequently used components. It offers more than 1000 icons, unique plugins, 6 different color themes and much more


November 11 2022

This template has many different settings and many use cases so that you can test and find the one that suits you perfectly. In this template, there is an overhaul with a new design and functionality. Be sure that you will find everything you need in it. This template is built on Bootstrap 4.


November 11 2022

Gentelella is an adaptive, flat and fully functional template for creating an admin panel. This template is built on the Bootstrap 3 framework using modern HTML5 and CSS3 technologies, which allows you to comfortably use this template on screens of any size. To date, this is the most modern and well-designed free admin panel template that can easily compete with any paid alternatives.


Destiny Role Play HTML Template
- Home page;
- How to start playing page;
- Server monitoring;
- Personal account;
- State map;
- Statistics of the best players;
- Shop page;
- Server monitoring;
The template is suitable for opening your project.

All pages are there except for the authorization cabinet.
I present to you a very effective and minimalistic template for gta 5 project.

I'm merging an interesting HTML template for you under the theme of MineCraft

A website template, without UCP, can be made for a special payment.


Beautiful, comfortable, what else is needed for happiness. That's right, the Serv.Host game hosting template
The folder contains only index.html ,transfer to the www folder, then follow the path http://домен/index.html
and that's it!

1. Go to donate.html
2. Go to the website and copy the store ID.
3. We change the Id, links to successful, unsuccessful and waiting for payment at will. ( 60 line)
4. For vk widgets to work, we change the numbers where it says "vk_community_messages", 000000"
5. We throw it on any host.

I present to you a very effective and minimalistic template for a crmp file project

YouTube Role Play HTML Template
- Server monitoring;
- VK group monitoring;
- Donation page (donation system via freekassa)
The template is suitable for any type of sites.
Template type: HTML page
Package contents: html version template

Draining the Namalsk Role Play website template

HTML template for game hosting hosting superhub

Hello! got one typical template? then this is the template for you the template has many advantages
The template has

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