Download tribeca cryptocurrency trading platform

Download tribeca cryptocurrency trading platform
A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform


tribeca is a trading bot for the cryptocurrency market with very low latency, equipped with a full-featured backtester web client and supports direct connection to several crypto exchanges. With modern hardware, it can respond to market data by placing and canceling orders in less than a millisecond. It runs on the latest version of node.js (version 7.8 or higher). Saving is achieved using MongoDB. Installation via Docker is recommended, but manual installation is also supported. Change the environment variables of the env file according to the desired configuration. Enter the exchange connection information, account details, and MongoDB credentials. Please install docker for your system before proceeding. Requires at least Docker 1.7.1. Mac/Windows only. Make sure that node version 7.8 (or higher) and MongoDB version 3 or higher are installed on your target computer. Also make sure that Typescript 2.2, grunt and optionally forever are installed (npm install -g grunt-cli typescript forever).

Enter the information about connecting to exchange
Open a web browser to connect to port 3000 of the computer running tribeca
Once tribeca is running, go to port 3000 of the computer on which it is running to view the administrator's view
Tribeca also provides a REST API for all of its data

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27-12-2023, 05:41