One Page Checkout PS Module (Easy, Fast & Intuitive) v2.7.2 + v4.0.12

One-click purchase module for PrestaShop. Transforms the process of selling your store into something pleasant for your customers and increases the number of customer visits with this excellent module.

This module solves one of the biggest problems faced by online sales: low conversion rate, very few of your visits end up with purchases in your store. All these aspects undermine the overall performance of your online store, the worst thing is that many times it is something that goes unnoticed.

With this module, we propose to simplify the sales process so that your customers can do it on one page, avoiding cumbersome registration forms to complete the sale, endless checks, excessive purchase steps (registration, delivery, payment, confirmation, etc.). Now the purchase will become an easy, friendly and simple process where your customers they will be able to see the cost of delivery, if you need to register, brief information about the basket, in which you can change the quantity without having to reload the page.

This module is fully adaptive, compatible with mobile resolutions, so you will also cover one of the most important aspects: a good shopping experience in mobile formats. Be different from your competitors! And reduces the number of phone calls from their customers for not knowing how to make a purchase.

This module has a built-in translation manager, which is equipped with a "Translate" tab so that you can easily translate it into the desired language.

Removing the binding
1. Open the file \app\config\config.yml, find the line:
base_url: ""

Replace with:
base_url: ""

Find the string:
enabled: true

Replace with:
enabled: false

Be sure to clean the cache!!!
Everything. PrestaTrast is disabled.
The rules are as follows:
a) Do not log in from the store's back office to Prestashop Addons.
b) Make a backup of the file (when updating, the changes will be erased) and set access rights 333, 555 or 755.

2. Optional item
Just in case, we close the check of modules that support license verification.
Opening the file:
Finding the code:
protected function isCompliant(Module $module)
if (!$module->attributes->has('author_address')) {
return false;
$address = $module->attributes->get('author_address');
// Always ensure 0x prefix.
// Address should be 20bytes=40 HEX-chars + prefix.
if (!self::hasHexPrefix($address) || strlen($address) !== 42) {
return false;
if (!function_exists('ctype_xdigit') || !ctype_xdigit(substr($address, strlen('0x')))) {
return false;
return true;

Replace with:
protected function isCompliant(Module $module)
return false;

This will say that there are no modules that support verification.
public function onNewModule(ModuleZipManagementEvent $event)
if (!$this->enabled) {


public function onNewModule(ModuleZipManagementEvent $event)

We also make backups and restrict recording rights. This will disable the verification attempt during installation. Now the modules will definitely not knock on France for verification in any way.

One Page Checkout PS (Easy, Fast & Intuitive) v4.0.12 - PS 1.7

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One Page Checkout PS (Easy, Fast & Intuitive) v2.7.2 - PS 1.6

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12-11-2022, 12:06