True File Manager by sitecreator

Convenient image manager. Now works with Opencart, ocStore 3.0 also replaces the standard file manager.

Compatible with the text editors of the engine:
CKEdit (so far for ocstore 2.*, because this editor is already present in ocstore distributions)
Summer Note

Allows batch uploading of multiple files at once.

Simplifies downloading by simply dragging files and entire folders with files, and even archives with files (drag & drop).

Built on the basis of elFinder.

It does not cut images in thumbnails, so you will always easily recognize them.

You can (only a part of the possibilities are listed)
rotate your sources and
change their sizes,
make cropping
do a quick preview of the sources in a convenient size, and not just as a thumbnail
quick search by file name (just enter part of the file name, see the video below)

you can drag and drop from your computer not only several files at once, but also an entire folder with files

after dragging the file into the manager, the focus is transferred to this file,
i.e. it is not lost visually among other files, and therefore it is easy
to add it to the product immediately.
the current folder is remembered, the next time the manager opens on the folder that you left
, you can download the archive with images by simply dragging and unzipping it in one click from the manager

And much much more, which greatly simplifies the work with images.

The big advantage of this module is that it works in
an isolated jаvascript environment with its own versions of jQuery +jQuery UI
, and therefore is compatible with any version of jQuery used on your site

and/or jQuery UI. This ensures almost perfect compatibility and conflict-free with any existing JS scripts on your site.

There are many plans for the development of this module.
From the planned:

the ability to resize the source files to a certain size immediately upon
download. This will be appreciated by fans of pouring "heavy" files (for example,
4000 * 3000 images) directly from cameras.
implementation of any of your wishes for working with graphic files

The license is for one domain and all its subdomains.
PHP support: from php 5.6 and above

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14-11-2022, 10:18