OSS Crypto Casino script

Crypto Casino
Crypto Casino is a web game built on blockchain technology. It will use the blockchain to record and verify transactions that occur in the game, such as actions or tasks that the player performs. Crypto Casino is a collection of casino games that can be played using an interface web application, with transactions recorded on the blockchain. This includes games such as blackjack, roulette and slot machines.

games, crypto, bitcoin, Crypto Casino script, blockchain, casino, nft, online casino script

Ultimately, we plan to use this project as a learning experience for blockchain development. The project is licensed under the GPL version 3.0 license to ensure that it retains the open source status and can be used by other members of the community to explore blockchain development. Most of the project is not set in stone, which leaves developers and the community the right to change project plans at their discretion.

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4-10-2023, 17:01