Post Thanks - vB 4.x Gratitude System

Post Thanks is a gratitude system.
The hack was rewritten from the 3.8 ruler to the 4.0.0 ruler

1) Fill in the files on FTP
2) import the product (if you already have a post thanks hack, then we put it - with overwriting)
3) in the postbit_legacy template we find

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}

and delete this entry

4) in the same template, we find

<a class="multiquote" href="{vb:raw post.replylink}" rel="nofollow" onclick="return false;" id="mq_{vb:raw post.postid}"><img id="mq_image_{vb:raw post.postid}" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/trans_40b.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase multi_quote_this_message}" />&nbsp;</a> 

and below we add

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}

5) in the postbit template we find

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}

and delete this entry

6) in the same template, we find

                <a class='multiquote' href="{vb:raw post.replylink}" rel="nofollow" onclick="return false;" id="mq_{vb:raw post.postid}"><img id="mq_image_{vb:raw post.postid}" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/trans_40b.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase multi_quote_this_message}" />&nbsp;</a>

and below we add

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}

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17-11-2022, 15:12