RSS Channel VideoBimba

The module will be useful for those who have their own channel and want to display the latest added videos on their website.
Tested on versions from DLE 13.0 to DLE 14.0

, the installation is very simple:
RSS Channel VideoBimba - the DLE module for displaying the latest videos of your or any VideoBimba channel
Go to the admin panel for Utilities/Manage plugins and upload the downloaded archive. That's it, the installation is complete!
Third-party Modules / RSS Channel VideoBimba / General
RSS Channel VideoBimba - module for displaying the latest videos of your or any VideoBimba channel
I think it's clear from the screenshot what's what, I'll just clarify where to get a link to the feed, go to and open the profile of interest:
RSS Channel VideoBimba - module for displaying the latest videos of your or any VideoBimba channel
Third-party Modules / RSS Channel VideoBimba / Information
RSS Channel VideoBimba - module for displaying the latest videos of your or any VideoBimba channel
It remains to connect the module in any revenge of your main.tpl template or any other template

{include file="engine/modules/mod_rss_videobimba/rss_channel_videobimba.php"}

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26-12-2022, 11:28