Crypto Casino is a script for creating a casino. The script has bonuses and a referral program, a faucet, bots, chat, automatic bets and much more
This web application is a Gambling website using MERN stack framework.
The execution environment Node Version of this project is 12.14.1 +.
And you need an installation for MongoDB. (version 3.4+)
Casino slots for the latest version of QBCore
To install this resource just drag and drop the folder NOT THE ZIP FOLDER to your server resource folder and read the INSTALLATION TEXT FILE for the QB-TARGET script
A collection of Casino Games including, Poker, Lucky six, Slots, Dices
You will get more free casino project There is an open source directory.
Welcome to the FreeCasino project!
It is planned that it will be a free cross-platform Java program for an open source casino. I'm still working on the basic framework, but the following games are planned for its initial release:
This is a multiplayer card game created by Unity. We use Node.js and socket.I/O for multiplayer games. The user logged in to Google and Facebook and took part in the games. Add some features like spin, daily bonus, invitation and betting. This is an amazing card game.
Development Notes
Go fish is a friendly game and it should not be related to gambling.
Blackjack and Gofish are card games, and therefore they should inherit them from the regular card game.
Any common logic or fields between games should correspond to the class of card games, not blackjack or Gofishu.
The provided UML lacks the classes, properties, and definitions needed to complete this project.
Before you start any development, you must have a completed and approved UML diagram
You can work either independently or in a group of no more than 3 people.
All publicly available methods must be tested.
Slot Machine in modern jаvascript (ES6).
API Endpoint is an another project called kazino-server
Crypto Casino Platform
This application is designed for everyone (whether they are individual entrepreneurs or small organizations) who wants to quickly start their own online gaming business, but does not have the time and / or sufficient funds to develop an individual solution or buy expensive casino software packages from other vendors.
This bot automates the manual interaction of the BetFury page, in the Limbo game, in order to make profits.
Don't use it to profit, just to appear
If you are going to use real currency, use 0.001% of the Bankroll.
Use is your responsibility.
Once upon a time I was engaged in a project on an order, the essence of this project is an online casino. Unfortunately, at some point, something didn't work out and the project was closed. Despite this, a significant part of the work has already been done and was functioning quite well. The development was carried out in PHP /NodeJS – the server part, HTML5/JS /etc – the client part with a multirender on WebGL /Canvas. I intentionally did not use the OOP approach on the server side, well, other things were done in a not very modern style, however, I think the sources may be useful to someone