[Nulled] » Materials for 31.07.2024 » Page 2

📎 Script bombers.

⚙ YAP: Python
🌀 Modules : aiogram

The script of the CLOUD BOMBER bot.
fill in the config and run main!

Telegram bot CLOUD BOMBER script

A script for spam in the comments.

YAP: python

Spamming in comments under telegram posts
For more information about the installation, see the README

A script for spam in the comments.

The source of the telegram bot for finding out private information

👨‍💻YAP: Python
🌀 Modules: Aiogram, pyrogram
🔗Database: There is no database, everything is in text books.

You need to finish the bot with your hands.

The source of the telegram bot for finding out private information

📎The bot script for practical jokes.

⚙YAP: Python
📂Modules: aiogram, asyncpg

The bot allows you to create both tournaments (valorant) and sweepstakes, as well as add streamers. Completely self-written.

Telegram bot script for sweepstakes and tournaments

📌 Game bot script

💻 YAP: Python 3.11+🐍
💾 Modules: pyTelegramBotAPI
📂 Database: pymongo

The script of the game telegram bot simulation of life.

The script of the game telegram bot simulation of life.

📌 Password selection script

💻 YAP: Python 3.11+🐍
💾 Modules: zip file,rar file
📂 Database: -

📌 Script for selecting passwords for archives .rar,zip

Script for selecting passwords for archives .rar,zip

📌 Voice message recognition script

💻 YAP: Python 3.11+🐍
💾 Modules: pyTelegramBotAPI, vosk
📂 Database: -

The bot script for speech recognition for voice and circles in Telegram.

The bot script for speech recognition for voice and circles in Telegram.

📌 Voice cloning script

💻 YAP: Python 3.11+🐍
💾 Modules: openai,walmark,langid
📂 Database: -

The script makes it possible to clone the voice from the input file and use the resulting voice in the future.

Voice cloning script

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