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This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. WooCommerce module for Perfex CRM is a module that enables you to view and manage your WooCommerce store from Perfex CRM. You’ll be able to : View all Orders; View summary of Orders; Update Orders status; delete Orders; view Orders data; Edit Products; delete products; add Products as items; View all Customers; edit Customers; delete Customers; View summary of Customers; Add woocommerce Customer to perfex; Invoice WooCommerce orders in Perfex CRM; Restrict staff access to view/manage stores from perfex; Add an unlimited number of stores; Assign Stores to Staff; edit/delete individual stores; View products by store; filter Products by status; filter Products by type; View Customers by stores; View products by stores; filter Orders by status; Multisite wordpress support

Wondertag is a WoWonder theme, handcrafted with care. It offers the best performance and advanced features for your site. Wondertag is the perfect theme for your site.

Wilylab Invoice is a Web Application that will help you to generate invoices with some easy step. With this user-friendly invoice software, you can create sales quotation, convert quotation to sales invoice, create recurring invoices, create invoice and quotation from multiple companies, manage clients for multiple companies, list company as product-base or service-base or both type. You can export quotations and invoices as PDF and CSV and can make a bulk print. You can also send the invoice through email directly to your client with or without the signature option. It?s very easy to use and install.

Create a digital menu for your Restaurant or Bar. Share with your clients and let them order via Mobile. In the era of covid, restaurants need modern and clean solutions for their traditional way of working. Being closer to their customer is a game-changer. With this tool, they can create both a digital menu and the QR for it. Next, the customer goes to the menu, makes the order, and sends the order on WhatsApp.

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WHOIS Lookup is a fully-featured PHP script that has the ability to lookup the WHOIS information of any website. The WHOIS Information is presented in a clean, formatted manner rather than raw WHOIS data. The theme has essential features like Pages, ReCaptcha Support, Banner and Pop Ads Support and much more. Completing Theming Support, Easy Modification & Installation makes this script maintainable by anyone. Caching is utilized to make the user-experience better, AJAX based WHOIS Fetching, Favicon and Image Fetching are also available. The script has been developed in CodeIgniter 3, Bootstrap 4.5 and jQuery with a completely responsive design that looks good on any device.

WhatsApp Share Addon For Sngine is a plugin for Sngine. From now your users can share their post on WhatsApp.

This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. WhatsApp Module for Perfex CRM, is a module that allows you to integrate the famous WhatsApp contact button, onto your Customers Area> and/or Administration area of Perfex CRM

WeHelp is a PHP system developed to offer your clients a great user experience, Clients can search for FAQS that added by admin, if they don’t get any result they can submit new Tickets or Bug Reports and keep in touch with you or your Agents. Also, when the support is done and a ticket is closed and give it priority.

Where can I download the online casino script? 

Where can I download the online casino script? 

WebToDesk converts your website to a native desktop application based on the Electron framework. Without learning any programming language, you can build your macOS, Windows and Linux application within a few minutes by following this documentation. With this, you can easily configure website URLs, Menus, Icons, Hidden Elements, Pop-Ups, Shortcuts, Loading pages, Error handling and many more things as you want. Therefore every website which you used with this will definitely look like a native desktop application.

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