[Nulled] » Materials for 25.12.2023

GPU/CPU Mining script with intelligent profit-switching between miningpools, algorithms, miners, using all possible combinations of devices (NVIDIA, AMD, CPU). Features: actively maintained, uses the top actual miner programs (Bminer, Ccminer, Claymore, Dstm, EnemyZ, Sgminer, T-rex and more) easy setup wizard, webinterface, auto update.


Open Ethereum Mining Pool


Stratum-mining is a pooled mining protocol. It is a replacement for getwork based pooling servers by allowing clients to generate work. The stratum protocol is described here in full detail.
This is a implementation of stratum-mining for most coins. It is compatible with MPOS as it complies with the standards of pushpool. The end goal is to build on these standards to come up with a more stable solution.
The goal is to make a reliable stratum mining server for a wide range of coins unlike other forks where the code is limited to specific algorithm's. Over time I will develop this to be more feature rich and very stable. If you would like to see a feature please file a feature request.

AIO Stratum mining server for various coins

Miningcore is a high-performance Mining Pool Software for Linux and Windows.

Mining Pool Software for Linux and Windows

Binance Trading Bot Download 
Binance Automated Trading Bot that Trades Multiple Cryptocurrencies


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