[Nulled] » Materials for 27.08.2023

The UHelp is the best support system for a customers support and management solutions laravel application solution. That keeps track of customers’ requests and solves the issues of customers based on issue type, priority, and category. It allows customers to receive service as quickly as possible while keeping track of their requests. With the UHelp-Support Desk, you can provide a uniform support experience to your customers.

Upload multiple files at the same time. Pure HTML5 implementation with upload progress, so no reliance on Flash. Chunked uploads.

Jobcy – is a modern job board Laravel script designed to connect people looking for a job with work hunting employers. This script represents simple design to help build the website for advertising vacancies, finding suitable staff, receiving employer’s resumes and CV. it will perfectly suit for projects of direction: Job Search, Directory Portal, Resume Market, Recruitment Agency and the like.

Support for multiple files Support for multiple recipients Drag & Drop support Share files using email Share files using a link Automatic file destruction after a specified time or amount of downloads Password protect an upload File encryption Chunked file uploads

NexoPOS 4.x is a modern point of sale application that comes with a CRM and Inventory manager included. It can be used by small and large companies that want to ease inventory management as long as their incomes through sales.

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