Creating lists of IPS 4 users

The Member Lists Pro plugin for the IPS Community Suite 4 forum gives you the ability to create an unlimited number of ways to configure, create and populate your user lists. Create employee lists, create clan lists, create special lists, create multiple lists, create as many custom lists as you want! Go beyond the standard IPS membership list with a customized set of tools and constructs to link your members to a more meaningful set of user data. Member Lists Pro is ideal for gaming and clan communities; dating and social communities; regional and geographic communities; and any community that requires a more specialized membership list.

This app allows you to create new membership lists based on multiple criteria such as primary group, secondary group, status check, avatar and content count. You also control how the list is displayed with powerful design options that display the group icon, date of joining, reputation, birthday, amount of content, ranks, and options for viewing content and sending PM.

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21-11-2022, 09:16